Monday, December 19, 2011

22nd Birthday

I had the Hobson's choice to admit that I am getting older and older. Time flies, and I aged 22nd today! How I wish I have a stopwatch to make time to stop awhile and continue later on.

It's the first time that I did not celebrate my birthday at home apart from the years I celebrated my birthday at my aunt's house. My roommate had waited till 12am and played birthday song on guitar to me. Well, all of us were busy rushing assignments and revision on the next day. Apart from that, I had received call from course mates in which a bunch of them shouted happy birthday in different languages to me. Felt touched of the warmness given by my friends!

After class, my roommates and I had participated in one of the programmes conducted by Sue Fern (SIFE Project i.e. Palm-palm Soap Project). A soap-making course was conducted with the help of a trainer to teach the housewives at an outskirts area nearby our uni. We witnessed the whole soap-making process, and had helped the housewives to hand-make soaps. Well, I hoped that the housewives will continue to join this project to make this project successful. After this meaningful project, we rushed back home to continue our revision. I was surprised to receive a Body Shop Perfume given by roommates and a card handmade by siew chen. Well, I hoped that our friendship can be strengthen and especially xxx can manage her time well between church work and course work.

At night, my parents had called to wish me 'happy birthday'. Then, my youngest sister had played songs on piano to me. My dad said that he hoped I could have a special birthday even though I study in a different state. Uh.. Luckily I was on the phone outside of the house, otherwise the others could see the tears running down my cheeks. My birthday ended with a long chat on the phone with my close buddy ; YY.

It's a special birthday I had celebrated with my friends and family and it's left an indelible mark in my heart and the memories will always etch in mind! It's great to feel being loved by family and friends around. Appreciate those who make my birthday so meaningful and happy this year!

birthday gift
From left: a spongebob mobile phone holder, and a spongebob tissue container

A watch which I love it very much,
perfume and a handmade birthday card given by my roommates!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Some craze before the end of year 2011

The craze that I did with my roommie before the end of year 2011. We were having hectic revision for a terrible lecturer's 2nd test, however the presence of shooting stars during tonight had made us very excited. We ran out and ran into the house for several times, holding the book. Well, I was lucky as watched the first shooting star when my friend was facing me. And yea, it was fast like a lightning stroked over the sky, and it had gone within seconds. I forgot to make a wish! I remembered that I even widespread the news to some seniors, even posted wrongly at a club's website. Most were influenced to go out to have a look if there's any meteors, well, I guessed that they had no luck.

The second shooting star (her 's first view of shooting star) was happened too quick as well! and again, I missed the chance to make a wish. Huh, I have too many wishes to make! It was about 2am and my eye lids were very heavy. Anyway, we both managed to make a wish when viewed the third shooting star stoked over the sky at 3am!

I was wondered if 2012 is approaching, which is why we able to view meteor rains for twice in year 2011, and eclipse. I started to feel worry! I still want to be with my parents, my family, my friends, and lots more!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The craze during November and December

The latest craze during November and December

Although it is convenient to buy things online, yet I dare not take the risk as I don't feel comfortable to give out my particulars especially identification numbers and account number. The lastest craze during the end of November till Christmas in my university had started by my course mates who found Reebonz website which gave out 50 free credits for each sign-up. The website had given out this promotion prior to the approaching Christmas celebration; hence we decided to unveil the surprise! =)

The invitation link had spread to almost all of the girls within few days. The 50 credits were sufficient enough to buy some of the nice goods. Well, since it didn't require us to pay a single cent on some stuffs, the craze of ordering stuffs online had begun. My friends and I were attracted by the creative design of the watches, some facial cleansing products and cosmetic products.

innershine =)

the watch and innershine that I bought using the credits

Able to guess what are these?
A pair of salt and pepper container!
I had ordered these to my mom as a Christmas gift.
I had dropped a request at the comment box,
asking Reebonz to write 'Merry Christmas to you, Mom'.
Out of my expectation, Reebonz had written the greeting on a card!
My mom was surprised when opened the parcel ,
and once thought it's a bomb as it was wrapped with many plastic wrap-papers and newspapers.
Anyhow, she loves this gift.

Short review:I find this website selling many bags, wallets, coaches, watches and many other fashion pieces from various brands. If I am rich, I guess I will keep browsing this website and keep purchasing the coaches! One thing I would recommend this website to others is the short delivery time for the ordered parcels to be reached. In short, I gained a nice online-shopping experience!