Friday, June 29, 2012

Outing with buddies

TGIF..THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY! It's the second week of the semester break holidays and I was still lagging behind. I was overwhelmed with lazy mood as I just didn't go accordingly to my scheduled plan which I should have completed my questionnaire design of final year project (FYP). Uh.. It's a huge difference between the working speed of mine now compared to the working speed when I was in my hostel.

Nah... Were I overworked when I was in hostel? HAHA..Since the day I came home, I found that I tend to sleep longer than I was in hostel! My mom started to nag on me, wanting me to work already. Well, I didn't plan to work this semester holiday, hoping that I can settle my FYP part 2 in this holidays. Hehe.. I wanna be  faster ahead than others! =)
Well, it's friday morning and I was on holiday =P That's quite unlikely I will get a stack of books to work on my FYP today or reading up my novels. Indeed, I went out for party XD. Perhaps being emancipated from FYP for a day could motivate me to put efforts on it after coming back from having fun.

YY had stood us up today, leaving only HH, Wai Min and I went to Neway Karaoke; One Utama. The lunch deal was of great value as we could order a set of main meal and a drink with free buffets at the catering side.After we placed our handbags in our room, Wai Min and I went to the buffet catering side and started to piling up our plates with soups, meehoon, mixed vegetables, corn soups, salads with different types of sauces and porridge. I had added some garlic bread cubes in my porridge and it was delicious!

Considering the price ranging from RM8++ which includes not only a set of meals plus a lunch buffet, but also 4 hours of karaoke, I would say it was a great deal. Moreover, three of us were given one microphone each and we had enjoyed very much to live out all our rockstar dreams! At 2pm, Wai Min and I were exhausted and we ended up chatting with HH continued soloing.

After the karaoke-session, we went for window-shopping as Wai Min will need some apparels for her internship in the following week. I was glad to find out Uniqlo's singlets have limited promotion price @ RM19.90 instead of RM39.90 which I saw in MV on Tuesday! There has no more purple premium cotton tank top which I tried on Tuesday, hence I purchased the blue one. I love the design of the singlets which perfectly cover the weakness of my body and its good quality. Both of the girls had bought two singlets from there! As usual, guy will be waiting at outside of the store, playing with his own mobile phone =P I just realized that Starbucks had promotion of half-price frappuccino blended beverages during 5pm-7pm. Such a good offer, right?! And yea, the girls had headed to grab the 50% off frappuccino beverages before we continued our next shopping journey to Brands Outlet.

My Mocha Frappuccino!
Thanks to the recommendation of  HH; the richie who drank it  before Happy Hour!

Okay, Wai Min grabbed her skirt @ Nichii and it's of good quality and could be matched with any type of blouses. I would say it's worth the price! Here's the apparels that I bought on the day!

Purple 2-way singlet and blue premium cotton tank top from Uniqlo ;
and a blouse from Nichii ( which I attracted by its unique design)

The end of shopping during this holidays as I am broke!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Meet up with old buddy

It's summer break for friends who study at UK! Yesterday, I had bumped into an old friend whom I knew her during English tuition years ago. I felt it's amazing as we did not have awkward silence when we met up. We met for lunch @ Kim Gary Restaurant; Mid Valley after a long discussion on where shall we meet up on the previous day. She didn't want to eat Japanese cuisine and western foods and we came to consent whereby we chose to have our lunch at Kim Gary together.

Could I say 'great minds think alike' to describe the situation where we chose the same venue to meet up, the same restaurant to have lunch and the same set of dishes of the day? haha.. we chose the set lunch of cheese baked pork chop rice with red sauce (I think it's salsa sauce), borsch, dessert and Hong Kong Style Ying Yong (cold).

kim gary
The set lunch we had for the day =)

cheese baked pork chop rice
Nah.. this lady is having her beloved cheese baked pork chop rice!
Yaya, no doubts, the lady is li-chen!

cheese baked pork chop rice
My turn to have photo with my cheese baked pork chop rice =)

french toast kim gary
French toast is one of the MUST ordered food @Kim Gary.
The French toast is perfectly coated with egg and fried, and served with syrup and butter on top of it.

The French toast was obviously too big for us to finish eating it up as we ordered the set lunch as well.  FATTENING?  Well, eat this once in a blue moon should be no harm. Moreover, it's worth for the price (based on the size).

Reconnecting with old friend is always amazing especially with the one who always appear to concern you even from far distance. I still remember how she consoled me after she saw my blog post two years ago, and this had made me appreciating this friendship even more. Li-chen; a friend whom I knew her from English tuition and she used to sit next to me during my form3-form5 English tuition class; so it's great to getting reacquainted with her again. It is veracious to say that a friend in need is a friend indeed, I would say that I do enjoy very much by chatting with her on studies matter and future career matter. Informative opinions regarding the matters are gave by her and she had also shared her experience in UK; the place I wished to be landed to one day. 

After having our lunch @ Kim Gary, we went to Jaya Jusco and window-shopped at Uniqlo, F.O.S and etc.  I miss the purple singlet from Uniqlo! nah, i like the white tube too, as it fits nicely! well, but I resisted to buy them at last, thinking that singlets not worth to buy at rm39.90 each. Yea, I am regretted now.

Well, I think she will blacklist me to go out with her as I spent more than half hour hanging around in F.O.S and I came out with empty-handed. Haha.. at the end, I used up another twenty minutes to enter back F.O.S.  to choose my white singlet which I want to match with my jackets and long-sleeved shirts. 

Bought a white singlet from F.O.S ( I would say that uniqlo's is much more better in terms of quality)
and I had bought myself two nice belts from F.O.S. 

Thanks to li-chen for the souvenir a.k.a. shortbread fingers from Scottland.
 Tasty but abit too hard for me to bite =)

We will find it hard to meet up when we grow up as we have own directions, own future, own career path, thus meeting up with old friends can be a difficulty. I truly appreciate friends I met in my life, and do hope that we able to keep in touch no matter we become rich/poor or have diverse career.

Last but not least, here's some words for you, li-chen!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The artwork in form 3

♬♬♬ The artwork in form 3 ♬♬♬

            When I was busy searching for the computer cleaning kit set, I found a long forgotten art work in my books container. It was a book that I had to make for my art lesson and I still remembered that the art teacher is a wife of a famous artist in Malaysia. She's strict in giving marks and she often offered us some difficult tasks like drawing portraits of mother, drawing of a basket of fruits, portraits of disney cartoons and etcetera. This long forgotten art work with its entire cover shielded with dusts.

             After removing the dusts, I flicked through the pages and yea, it did bring me back to memories of the art lessons with Pn.Noor Aini. It's undeniable that she is a very dedicated teacher and she has strong passion in art. I enjoyed being in her art club during that time.

             Okay, so here goes the picture of my art work. I was surprised with my own drawings! Well, a task that I needed to create a book that contains comics and I was required to stitch the book with needles and threads after the drawings of comics. Succinctly stated,  the comics are actually articulating about how good that April, a dog in  taking its responsibility in taking care of its masters including the new born baby, Jimmy. Mak Cik Eenah;a maid was regretted for being fierce or maltreat April after knowing that April had saved the life of the baby from a mice.

The book cover of my comic entitled 'April'

1st page- Introduction page
The stories begin...
2nd page
3rd page
4th page
5th page
6th page
7th page
the end

YEAH, AMAZING RIGHT? ok..  I seriously miss art lessons.  It had been a long time that I never  hold  art brush and water colour.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy Dumpling Day

Few days after I came back from BP, here comes a great Chinese traditional festival celebration i.e. 'Duan Wu' Festival. Ever since mom had learnt making Chinese rice dumplings, I have had the chance to eat home-made dumplings. Compared to over-priced or over-rated dumplings outside, it's worth to learn and make rice dumplings at home although the it takes a long time and it is hassle for the preparation prior to make the rice dumplings.

Succinctly stated, here's the recipe from my best cook- mom:

The ingredients:


Bamboo leaves which need to be boiled and soaked for 30-40 mins,
 then the leaves will be wiped with clean clothes.

Fong lut or chestnuts with mushrooms
which are said as the part and parcel for  rice dumpling
I got shocked when I saw many salted duck eggs are needed.
The mug and layer of charcoal had been removed.
the salty egg yolks which I love to eat =)
green beans
left :'mei dou'  in chinese; and small bowl of dried shrimp

7) Marinated porks with salt, dark sauce, rice wine, pepper and spice pepper. ( I forgot to take the photo of this, sorry, guys!)

Last but not least, the glutinous rice =)

With the above ingredients been prepared, the methods of filling up the bamboo leaves with ingredients are as the followings (based on my mom's recipe):

1) Take two bamboo leaves with one preferably long one while another is the shorter one. Put them on top of one another.
2) Shape a cone out of it and fill the bottom and sides of the cone with glutinous rice.
3) Hollow the center and fill up the hole with all ingredients with the glutinous rice added to cover the top.
4) Use the spoon to press the rice to make it more compact.
5) Fold the remaining of leafs nicely and lastly secure the shape of rice dumpling with string.
6) The wrapped rice dumplings will be steamed for two and half hours after the water is pre-boiled for half hour.

To understand better, you may check my blog post Rice Dumplings Wrapping Process.

YEAH, here comes to the exciting part, let's see the rice dumplings!
30 rice dumplings here.
According to my mom, this is the 2nd round she made rice dumplings =)

The closer look of the readily served rice dumplings! 

*SLURP* my lunch for the day! so yummy!


© All images and words are copyrighted 2012-2013 by Carene Cheang. 
All rights reserved.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Ironside Cafe And Bistro; Batu Pahat

It took some time for deciding venue for birthday celebration of 2 June babies and 1 July Toddler XD.
We would like to have some epicurean delights and the venue shall be romantic and suitable for cozy chats. Ironside Cafe and Bistro has been chosen to be our choice of cafes to have birthday celebration. Particularly we are attracted by the design and environment of the cafe.

The photos of the environment of the cafes are taken from their Facebook page:

The interior design
They utilized the light rafts which change the lightings' color from time to time.  
The exterior design

Okay, let's get back to the foods that we have ordered.
Fish and Chips

June Baby No.1
June baby no. 2 with her spaghetti
Ser Pei ^^
The birthday cake in piano shape

Treasure the tears, 
treasure the laughter,
 but most importantly, 
treasure the memories.

The birthday babies with their birthday cards :)

Never forget the days I spent with you. 
Continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours. 
- Ludwig Van Beethoven