Thursday, December 24, 2009

My 20th Birthday

My 20th Birthday
On 18th Dec 2009, I received a birthday gift from my classmates (Bee yen, han hau, teng keen, yih loong, li yin, lay yoke and pei shan) after the gathering with them. At the same time, I received early birthday wish from an old man who had his drink there XD.

The gift which is given by them-an Eighteen Eighty T-shirt.

At night, my ex-assistant manager, Kiki and George had celebrated my birthday at Gasoline Kepong. Before knowing them, I felt it’s ridiculous to befriend with someone who is older for 5 years and even more. It’s because I found not much topics can be talked to my elder cousins. But Kiki and him treated me like a young sister and always gave me comforts when I was far apart from KL.The chocolate cake that’s bought from Wonder Cake House was very delicious! And I received my 1st music box which I often hoped to receive since young. I thought it was a towel with a cow as decoration actually. Arigatou gozaimasu!

Profuse thanks to be addressed to those who had greeted me with birthday wishes through facebook, sms and etcetera.
On 19th December 2009, as going for family vacation (Langkawi Trip),I didn’t celebrate my birthday with my close friends. En had given me 2 small but nice thingies as my birthday gift that she bought in penang i.e. a keychain which had my initial written on and a guitar keychain which I had asked many people to find for me..And she did it! Glad!

happy birthday
At night we went to Double Good Restaurant, Penang Island to have dinner together. It was meaningful for me and en as it’s my birthday dinner with family and hers with parents before staying at Penang for her studies. Then we shopped at Queensbay Mall. Hmm..thanks to Maxis for giving me to enjoy calling for free for the whole day! Haha…Thanks to dad and mom who had bought me a blouse, a pair of Googles Jeans and Oreef Jacket as birthday gifts.
happy birthday

On 23rd Dec 2009, my family and I were back from Penang Island and I felt forlorn as will only be meeting en during CNY. There’s an incongruity between us as we liked to quarrel when sharing a same bedroom and when to use computer and so on.. but when separated, it’s another story..Hmm…Anyhow, I was shocked when I reached home as received a pos laju customer-responsive mail which I had to go to post office to receive my parcel there. With puzzling mind, I opened the parcel, it was delivered by my gang in UTHM ( should be was posted by my 四姐-Chia Pei). It’s a meaningful gift which had been designed and made with unremitting efforts by her and others! I wondered when they wrote the birthday greetings on. Their observation was great as they had bought me 2 pairs of Vincci earrings which I liked during our JB trip in Nov. Thanks a lot! Chia Pei, thanks for the card u made..Felt touched!

handmade birthday card
handmade birthday card

On 24th December 2009, it was 1 of my close buddies’ birthday=> Chin Ting’s big day! Wen Xuan, Chin Ting, Sean Wong, Yan Yan and I celebrated her birthday (Christmas‘s eve) together..That was an unprecedented outing in which we involved indirectly in the countdown activity! CROWDED!!! And I saw how the polices involved in the corruption when those snow-sprays sellers were caught red-handed. Our country is BOLEH in everything!!! My Birthday gift from Yan Yan>>Bracelets! I like them!!!In retrospect, we knew each since standard 5 and had celebrated birthday for quite many times every year, hoping that can be friends forever~~

On 27th December 2009,surprisingly I received another 2 belated birthday gifts.Hmm..One was from Wai Min and Pei Xuan--Famous Amos Chocolate Chips^^ Thanks a lot for delivering it to my house under the heavy rain, and hope u both take care in uni!The most unexpected gift was from Mr. Chandra,Dad's working partner who was from India- A meaningful book which's entitled "How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job", I will be bringing it along with me to Johor. Unable to address my thanks to him directly, so thank him here..=)

The present which was given by Wai Min and Pei Xuan

- from a thoughtful and very knowledgeable man- Mr. Chandra~

Last but not least,stepping into the age of 20 finally.Honestly, I wasn't really happy with it as the more birthday I celebrated, the more increasing of my age so as my parents. =( Anyway,the fact is I need to grow up more maturely,more knowledgeable and more successful!!!

Eventually, thanks again to everyone who had given me gifts and wishes..All these had made my days very graceful as that meant you all remembered me..Tq

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