Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May day

Just like the quote goes,"No bird can soar too high if it flies with its own wings", thus, in life, we have to persevere stoically to reach for the stars even though we have many ambitious desires which may be unachievable.

My final results had been released on yesterday except for the co-curricular activity's results. I felt a bit disappointed of my economy results as it did not achieve my targeted marks. (My course mates may complain that I'm perfectionist since I scored quite well in other subjects). Well, My dissatisfactory of my results :I had to blame for my carelessness as I failed to complete my final question as had thought that the duration of the time for the test was 3 hours instead of 2 hours and 30mins. It's a careless mistake that I shouldn't have done. Secondly, I knew I did not do my best in the Human Resource Management Final Test as lack of preparation. Anyway, I had to be proud of myself for having improvement in the results although couldn't achieve my targeted pointer. I am gonna to put my best foot forward in the following sems!!! The pursuit of motivation is in me now.

During this semester break, I have had the enthusiasm to try to start freelance job. Haha..ever since studying Industrial Psychology and Marketing about telecommunicating, freelance-writing job and graphics-design (freelance) had been under my interest nowadays. I felt glad that I had been signed as one of the writers of a team and the project may start in June. I appreciated the opportunity that had been given!..Hopefully I could fulfill the assigned job later.

Kindly reminder for my ownself: Japanese learning process must be continued! No more procrastination! XD..

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