Monday, July 5, 2010

Broga Hill

Supposedly, it will be an hiking activity for the gang and I tomorrow. Yet, due to the reasons that the driver is not feeling well and I failed to get permission from parents for Broga Hill hiking, hence it's cancelled. *Sigh*

Broga Hill is located at Semenyih, and 300m in heights.From the articles that my friend, Yan Yan showed me, Broga Hill seems not difficult for hiking and it's said to be taking 30-45 mins to reach the 1st look-out point. As it's a grass hill, mosquitoes might be the nuisance.The scenery is much breathtaking and nice!! I wished to go!!! wanna see sunrise le..Yet my dad did not allow as he thought that it's dangerous for youngsters to go out at 4am++, and hiking- a kind of rigid activities and not everyone has the ability to hiking. Hmmph~~~ I could understand the parents' worries as they don't hope any accidents to be happened. Moreover, someone whom my family know of had been passed away due to hiking- a sudden heart attack.

Hopefully I can persuade my parents successfully so that I could go on Friday. Huh..cya..It should be a fun outing as me, chin ting and yan yan have not been gone for any trip together. Haha... bennie tay, hope you recover soon..

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