Friday, August 20, 2010


Homesick!!I am counting down the dates to go back K.L. I 'm missing home baked mooncakes very much..Hmm..can't wait to watch the korean dramas that will be brought back by en..

Currently, I was very busy with the assignments and focus back on my neglected studies. would be a tough nut to crack to follow back as lacking of learning materials. Hmm..perhaps my gang were over-relaxed last week as we hanged out to BP Mall and carrefour..

Kinda sad of the friendship that goes sour and bitter after arising problems since last sem and this sem. Hmm.. I guessed it might be better to wear a mask rather than speaking too straightforward next time. Anyway, after a cozy chat among us, we set up a plan where each of us analyze each shortcomings and help each other to improve oneself. I'm a realist and not afraid of admitting my mistakes yet I might need people to point it out. Girls, let's improve ourselves...

Dedicated to Si En, a friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words...A word of "sorry" might be hard to be said out, yet it's worth to be said to her whom you treated as your best friend. take care...=) see you in September..chill


23/8---japanese quiz...
24-26/8--- MIS test
2/9---manufacturing and QM test...
3/9---Business law test...

Seriously, I should engross in studies d..looking forward 25/9..ganbatte kudasai,carene!!! uh..