Friday, September 10, 2010

Before Mooncake Festival

It was great to have holidays after some tragic moments that I sounded bad?lol..Anyway, I am getting back into shape. Gotta thank my friends especially my course mates who had encouraged and supported me.. Ok, I shall note the self-promise here..I GOTTA STUDY BUSINESS LAW,MOT AND JAPANESE..oh no, i m gonna in deep trouble since I wasted quite some time. Hmm..lacked of good mood and because of sickness and insomia..huh.. my study plan has dragged some time..

In short, MIA in the past few days..

Well, I wanna blog about this...Mom, Thank you! I am getting admired of her hands, her determination for baking life and her baking skill!She baked moon cakes again this year, and I mooncakes!!!

Here are some photos......

mom continued making after I failed to make another 3 after showing me the procedures

haha..they are readied to be eaten! ROAR~~
Tomorrow, mom will be baking traditional moon cakes again..
I am preparing my stomach for them^^
Okay, I shall not forget this...I

100% lemon flavor with pandan skin..( mom's creative idea of mixing them..haha..)
well, i love sour-sweet this suits my taste=)
and of course, I love the salty egg yolk..

Lousy si en, don dare to take a try
Since it's finally 99th post, haha.. i'm gonna reward sth to my
a photo to share.. I just succeeded to make the second one (instead of round beads..)

duration of process: more than 3 hours.. =(
That's it..=)

hmm..yesterday, it's no longer looks like this after my itchy hands did sth towards it..

it's in need of siew chen's thread/string to make it back in fixer shape..=)

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