Friday, December 3, 2010

December Month 2010

Yeah! December is approaching!I love this month very much!
1st, it's my birthday month!
2nd, there's my another 2 close friends' birthday month too..i.e. ee von and chin ting's! that's great~
3rd, I love christmas, I am looking forward for the gift from my neighbour..haha! this time, I hope tht i will not get earrings again. XD

On 30th November 2010, it signified our 3rd semester had ended after conquering the last 2 papers. My sistaz had been planned to go to visit Tropical Village, Ayer Hitam to release our stress accumulated from the assignments and exams on the following day.

There were only some photos being captured as we can't bear standing under the hot burned sun for too long. We spent 2 hours at there. Personally thinking that the entrance ticket fee which is RM10 is quite costly and the maintenance of the mini world is much to be desired!

After visiting the tropical village, we headed to Kluang Mall for taming our hunger. We ended up having lunch at Secret Recipe and the chicken cordon bleu was super delicious! It was too bad that my favourite mango delight cake was unavailable on that day. Huh! We found out that secret recipe's chocolate walnut chip cake was very nice too.


The top right= the 21st birthday cake..=)

After the lunch, we went to shopping~Hehe.. my attention was caught by big head doll. There were 4 designs with the difference of their shirts and eyes. The plush dolls were just too cute!
We were much like the prisoners coming out from jails for not seeing the world for a long time. Hahaha! We girls shopped alot for clothes, hair accessories and so on. We came out with a suggestion to the future husbands i.e. it's advisable for letting your wife to shop once every week rather than once a month; otherwise your wife will be shopping triple than you expected. LOL

The most unforgettable moment was hui en they all had bought me a mint vanilla ice-cream cake fro Family Bakery House to have an earlier celebration of my 21st birthday! The mint ice-cream melt inside my mouth while the love that's given by them melt my heart! I was much more surprised when I found the round head doll on my bed when I slept. It was the gift from them! I love it very much! The head is very similar to mushroom's head. Haha..
