Sunday, December 12, 2010

Essentials for the month

Happy dates

Here's some fusion of bits of my life to share...

On 9th Dec 2010, I had been hanging out with von, val and von's bf; martin. We went to Fullhouse which I wished to go long time ago. Hmm.. the foods there are not very delicious, yet I quite like the decoration there.Thanks to Martin who fetch us to Fullhouse and Sunway Pyramid~

Let's view some camwhores of us..^^

Today, I had went to The Curve and Ikano with my family. After leaving KL to study in Johor, I got less chances to hang out with family already. Today= Shopping day! I finally bought the books entitled of, ' My sister's keeper' and 'waiting for a person's coffee'. Dad and mom bought me a pair of eyes mask!it's so cute~