Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Memory span

Recently, I had been doing some readings and I found an interesting article about memory span of the goldfish today. There's a myth saying that the memory span of a goldfish is around 3 seconds, but the actual research in the contemporary has shown that goldfish does have memory span of at least 3 months and could differentiate colors, shapes and the surrounding of it. Hmm.. somehow I wish to become a goldfish, because having the bitter memories etched in mind is terrible. Bitter memories are much easier to be remembered compared to sweet ones. 3 months of bittersweet memories are enough to be tamed, and there's 'restart' button for goldfish to have another memory again..As human being, I could only remind myself to think about the sweet memories and not to live in the shadows of bad memories.

Anyway, the list of resolution for year 2011 is fulled of my new targets. One of the targets is boast up my pointers and remain in dean list! Okay, perhaps, not only be in dean list, I aim for first class.=) For my studies, I do hope I have more than 3 months memory span =)

Going to watch a funny movie introduced by aunt i.e. 7th Grade Civil Servant, hmm.. next would be The Proposal I guessed~