Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dean's List Award 2011

The Dean's List Award is an academic honor awarded to undergraduate students achieving good CGPA for each semester in an academic year. Making the Dean's List is a very prestigious honor? Well, I would think it's more like a benchmark for individual to make a target in every academic year. It meant a lot to me as studying this course was not a cinch like most others thought of. Most of us who studied in this faculty were looked down by outsiders whom commented that our course was unknown and hard to get a job. I would prove to you that the course does provide us boundless knowledge that could be utilized in different fields.

The Dean's List Award ceremony had held in October this year, and what made it so different for me was four out of five friends (my gang) had successfully entitled for this award. The  blood, sweat and tears were rewarded with this award. It was the most wonderful moment that you can share with your best friends, inducing much more happiness and excitement.