Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Anyone heard of pterygium? Based on the wikipedia, it refers to a benign growth of the conjunctiva. My dad had complained about the pain and redness of his eyes more often since I came back from BP. On Saturday,   my family and I had gone for shopping at Metro Prima, intending to purchase some books from the bookstore. I was shocked when I found my dad's eye had a flesh slightly protruding out in his right eye. It came to our concern where he might have some severe eye infection.

On the next day, we brought him to the nearest eye specialist clinic to have a check-up and he had been diagnosed to have pterygium which is caused by long-term exposure of sunlight, dusts, low humidity and etc. The doctor said the right eye's pterygium is aggressive as it grew hostilely towards the cornea. Dad had been advised to undergo the operation as fast as possible. Huh!!! Terrible~~ I just couldn't bear with the explanation of the surgery! I felt the pain!

Anyway, dad had undergone the surgery on Monday for his eyes and the doctor said the condition was quite good. However, the redness of the eyes will remain for at least 3 months, and dad had to stay at home for a week. I could feel he was bored. Looking at him kept wiping up the teary eyes and he had to bear with the scar on his cornea, it made me felt upset as I couldn't help anything for that. What I can do is praying for his health and hope that his eyes will be recovering faster!

Sorry, dad!
If you weren't worked so hard and be exposed to long-term sunlight just to earn a living for us,
 you wouldn't have got the pterygium! Love you always! 
( Although I didn't mention it verbally)
Stay healthy!!!

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