Thursday, October 25, 2012

Famous Food @ Batu Pahat -明记鸡丝面

Occasionally we came across to a sudden thought of hunting for Batu Pahat foods. I'm glad that I could have 'Food-kaki' to hunt, try and eat nice foods together. Today, Hui En and I had managed to try Mee Kee 明记鸡丝面 coffee shop which is located near bus station Batu Pahat after praying at a temple located at Muar. I had overheard the eaters around the coffee shop praising the wanton noodles and braised chicken feet. It seemed like we came to a famous shop for foods.

Nevertheless, we ordered a bowl of chinese dumplings and egg noodles topped with braised chickens. Hui En chose to have kuay teow instead. Out of my expectation, the texture of noodles is soft, tender, slightly firm, and holds up nicely. I used to think that I could only find nice chinese dumpling noodles (wanton noodles) in KL only.

wanton mee