Saturday, October 27, 2012

Kota Tinggi Waterfall & Kulai

The 2nd day of Johor Bahru food-hunting trip

After having the heavenly breakfast @ Kiang Kee Bak Kut Teh, we went to the Kota Tinggi waterfall.

The weather had turned bad as it started to rain cats and dogs when we arrived there. We waited at the abandoned restaurant to wait for the rains to stop. I was seriously doubted did I come to the right place as the one and only one restaurant of this tourist area is closed. How could tourists have some food to eat or drink when they are tired?! From the surrounding, I personally think that this tourist area is lacked of maintenance.

When the droplet of the rains become smaller, we started our journey to go to the waterfall. Otherwise we would have wasted the entrance fees without seeing the waterfall.

Posing at the first bridge
Posed at the second bridge again
The waterfall was still afar from here. The floor was slippery and we had to be slower in taking each step.

As the photo shown, most people stopped at this area and had fun in the waterfall. Some even had their meals right after playing with water.

The cascading water, the beauties and water splashes made the photo perfect :)
The only one of us who really drenched himself in the waterfall

The view of sunlight from waterfall was great! It was like seeing light submerged from dark! Haha
Instead of footprints, we could only left our slippers here... well, just to capture a photo of them at this waterfall!
He ain't had enough fun!
Lastly, I had my photo captured with this nice Kota Tinggi waterfall as well.

We had our lunch at Kulai before heading back to Johor Bahru.HAPPY LAND CAFETERIA 欢乐园饮冰室 and Restoran McCola were just side-by-side. According to them, the rojak of both shop were the signature dish.

Due to heavy breakfast in the morning, we girls decided to share the foods. The crispy, tender chicken was served in front of us. I would say that the failure of blocking calorie increment might due to the intake of these tasty food. The guys had ordered nasi lemak and they commented that the sambal was very tasty.

The dessert we ordered: ice-kacang topped with chocolate ice-cream.
 The photo of the food-hunting group

The previous destination: Kiang Kee Bak Kut Teh
The next destination: Stoning Grill; Jaya Jusco Tebrau

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