Sunday, November 10, 2013

Did you forget?

Did you forget what had you done for the first time? Did you forget...
The first time that you climbed and learned to walk step-by-step with parents holding your little hand?
The first time that you fell down?
The first time that you able to munch foods on your own?
The first time you fought with other kids?
The first time you quarreled with siblings due to toys?
The first time that you made parents upset of you?
The first time you obtained the best grade and otherwise?
The first time you got punishment from parents or teachers?
The first time you graduated?
The first time you hang out with friends?
The first time you lied?
The first time you had crush on?
The first time you fell in love?
The first time that you feel hurt?
The first time you made your parents proud of you?
The first time you got your work?
The first time you handmade gifts for someone?

There are many special moments that may etch in your minds, but time would make them faded away.
You may forget the moments, but never forget the loved ones and pamper yourself.

我睡不著的時候 會不會有人陪著我
我難過的時候 會不會有人安慰我
我想說話的時候 會不會有人瞭解我
我忘不了你的時候 你會不會來疼我