Monday, December 23, 2013

Short getaway and Christmas Decoration @ Changi Airport; Singapore

A short getaway from the busy working life to Singapore. 

 Landing Singapore

The centerpiece was found at Terminal 1 of Changi Airport.  Kinetic Rain is the world's largest kinetic sculpture with 1,216 raindrops made of aluminium and highly polished copper, controlled by 1,216 individual motors, swirl and dance.

Christmas decorations at Changi Airport; Singapore.

Western Food at Aston Specialities was delectable. I love the crispy onion rings and the mashed potato was unexpectedly delicious. The black pepper chicken did not fail to tempt my taste buds.
Good food that was found in Singapore with a reasonable price.

Last but not least, wishing for a great and fabulous Horse year ahead.

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