Thursday, June 30, 2011

Discover Broga Hills @ Semenyih

Due to certain reasons, we had come to explore Broga Hills @ Semenyih. The entrance of Broga Hill (which is also called as Bukit Lalang) is quite obscure and hardly be spotted due to no signboard along the roads. I could only remember the parking lots are at a vast palm oil estate. We wasted quite some time to locate the Broga Hills and luckily we spotted the entrance around 6am. The sky was still pitch dark and misty due to the rains last night.

Several landslide areas which had made me having solemn heart attack! Well, I am not a sporty person and catching my breath while hiking this Broga Hill isn't really that fun. On the other hand, the partner is like a kangaroo, skimming along the trails towards each and each checkpoint. It's a 1.7km hike up till the peak of Broga Hill and the breath-taking view is at the top of the hills. Along the trails, the entire journey up did not really fascinate me as full concentration has to be placed on my surrounding, rocks, mud, slippery trails in order not to fall down.

Several small suburb towns

Finally, I able to rest against the big rock and my whole body was drenched with sweat.

I took around 45 minutes hiking up the Broga Hill. Most could reach the top within 30 minutes. Hence, I could say that my stamina is much more to be improved. For descending down the Broga Hill, it just took us about 20 minutes. Balancing the body was the quintessence to descend the Broga Hill and I was thankful that I had the aid of the umbrella and hiking partner's help. Otherwise I might have been dropped into a valley as I almost slipped downward the squalid and perilous landscape area.

                                      Top 5 things you need for hiking Broga Hills at Semenyih

  • Good body stamina and frequent work out before hiking
  • A good camera that would really pay off all the hard work in climbing up 
  • Bright and good torchlight that has large coverage
  • Comfortable sport shoes and travel lightly (a small bag with wallet and drinking water are enough)
  • Bunch of friends (I personally think few people going along would be better); perhaps can have light picnic .. :)