Friday, August 8, 2014

Hari Raya Puasa Potluck

Hari Raya Puasa is a religious festival that commonly celebrated by Muslims every year. This year, Hari Raya Pusa potluck was organized by my Malay colleagues. Simple dishes like chocolate brownies, lemang, ayam rendang and ketupat rice were served.

Lemang which is a traditional Malay (Indonesia and Singapore Malay) food. It's made of glutinous rice, coconut milk and salt, and cooked in a hollowed bamboo stick lined with banana leaves to prevent the rice from sticking to the bamboo. My family used to buy the plain lemang, however my Malay colleagues mentioned that lemang tasted better along with meat particularly ayam rendang. Well, the price of lemang has been increased incessantly till RM12 or more for one bamboo of lemang.

Ayam rendang slowly cooked in coconut milk and spices until the chicken meats absorb all the condiments.

Ketupat rice is like dumpling as it's wrapped inside the woven palm leaves. It reminded me of satays. Oh yea, why satays are not included? :P

The chocolate brownies which was handmade by Leen were definitely a great pleasant to us.

Chocolate brownies

Lemang and ayam rendang

Ayam rendang which is best matched with ketupat rice and lemang

My stomach was almost exploded with delight! Oh yea, today is Friday!!
Happy weekend ahead.

Today my dad had brought back nice vegetable buns and fried taro puffs.The fried taro puffs has crispy skin which looks similar like crispy curry puffs. The delicately crisp exterior with the seasoned pork make these taro puffs having epicurean taste. Note: Calories**

地址:10, Jalan Lima, Kaw. 16, Taman Intan, 41300 Klang, Selangor.