Sunday, August 17, 2014

Peter Sedlacik and Zuzu Galova-Lens Between Us

Lens Between Us is a famous website which feature the pair of sweet couples named Peter Sedlacik and Zuzu Galova who creatively documented their travels around the world. It is known as a project entitled Lens Between us, where the camera was focused on the each's half during their travels.

I was impressed with their ways of snapping memorable shots. Awesome photos where you could see Peter Sedlacik and Zuzu Galova traveling the world taking photographs of their locations while facing one another. This was different compared to the batch of photographs of a girl's hand which was held by another half that were frequently shared in Facebook. Peter Sedlacik and Zuzu Galova stand opposite of one another to capture what is in front of them at the same period. In other words, the loved one is always in front of their eyes whenever they travel.

Below are some of the fantastic photos found through the website:

Awesome photos!
Sweet romance and I do hope that this project will be continued. 

After thought:
Sometimes, I wonder would you able to spot me when I am in the crowd.
Will I remain in the lens of yours? In the lens of yours, would my best and worst be accepted because that's me? 

Lens between us

completes an awesome photography of you and me


my lens have you,


your lens have me.

*you're my better half and we make each other as a whole*

Image source: 
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