Saturday, April 4, 2015

Herbal Duck Thigh Noodles @ Bidor

When talk about the famous foods at Bidor, most will recommend Pun Chun Restaurant that serves its famous duck thigh noodles. The restaurant is usually packed with crowds and sometimes you may need to wait for more than 30 minutes for seat or foods to be served.

Pun Chun Chicken Biscuits & Restaurant
Address: 38 & 40, Jalan Besar, 35500 Bidor, Perak.

When we drove back to Penang this Saturday, we had decided to drop by Bidor for breakfast. We did not choose to dine at Pun Chun Restaurant; yet dining at a nearby restaurant which also serves duck thigh noodles. Similar to Pun Chun restaurant, Restoran Sin Thean Thean was easily spotted because this corner lot located near Pun Chun restaurant, which was only about 5-10 minutes’ driving journey from Bidor Toll exit. 

The signboard of 驰名源珍鸭腿面 could be seen when we stepped into the restaurant. My siblings and I had ordered duck thigh noodles while parents ordered wanton noodles.

A closer look on the noodles.
Tender duck thigh meat, wolf-berries, and springy noodles.

Surprisingly, the duck thigh noodles in a larger portion was served within 5 minutes. The herbal broth was very fragrant and rich with ingredients such as dried longan, wolf berries and of course the bigger duck thigh. The tender duck thigh meat was flavorful with a strong herb taste.I opine that the duck thigh noodles here was more scrumptious than the one I ate at Pun Chun Restaurant.

Well, the short waiting time and good taste of duck thigh noodles will make me returning to visit this stall again in future!

The wanton noodles was not as good as the duck thigh noodles. According to my mom, the noodles were springy, yet the overall taste was not flavorful. She strongly regretted for ordering this plate of wanton noodles.

There were several brands of biscuits available here including Pin Chun's famous Crispy Kampar Chicken Biscuits and caramelized egg fritters.

Restoran Sin Thean Thean
NO 60, JALAN BESAR, 35500 Bidor

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