Monday, October 5, 2009

Mid-Autumn Festival 03/10/2009

Mid-Autumn Festival 03/10/2009 It was the 1st time that I celebrated Mid-autumn Festival without being with my family. Of course, I hoped I had celebrated it with my family-drink tea, enjoy the scenery of the moon in my hse's car porch, eat mom's handbaked mooncakes together...Anyway,I had celebrated it with my fellow friends in UTHM and it was fun and enjoyful! We had planned the programme since last 2 weeks and hui en had bought lanterns during the holidays.It was lcuky that the rain had stopped about 8.30pm on that particular day so that we were able to organize this programme sucessfully. the candid photo (above)...LOOK! Those who missed the chance to have fun with us sure will feel regret !!!

*More photos are available in my facebook~~

Last but not least, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Here's a poem on home and Moon

The Yo-Mei Mountain Moonby Li Bai
The autumn moon is half round above the Yo-mei Mountain;
The pale light falls in and flows with the water of the Ping-chiang River.
Tonight I leave Ching-chi of limpid stream for the three Canyons.
And glide down past Yu-chow, thinking of you whom I can not see.

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