Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Trip to Skudai (1)

A Trip to Skudai (1) 10th October 2009

At 9am, all of us (Mei Yean, Pui Mun, Mu Xing, Chia Pei, Kiwi, Hui En, Siew Chen and I were rendezvous waiting for the bus to start our journey from Parit Raja to Skudai. My roommate, Hui En played her role as a host of Skudai by bringing us to go to sing karaoke and visit Old Folks Home. Oh yea, thanks to her as we had eaten a delicious lunch at 八里路卤鸭.NICE!!!

Here, let me share the sweetness of the trip 1st.. with the latter will be about Old Folks Home.

Sing karaoke session

~ siew chen and chia pei

~ kiwi, me as the invader and hui en

~ hui en~

~ me^^~

At Old Folks Home

( will be explained in the Skudai Trip 2)

At Sutra Mall

We had our dinner at Greenland Restaurant before heading back to our hostel. Apart from that, upon the idea of Chia Pei, we had taken loads of photos to trigger memories in future.

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