Sunday, October 11, 2009

Skudai Trip (2)

Skudai Trip (2) - Visit to OLD FOLKS HOME

According to Wikipedia,senior citizen is a common polite designation for an elderly person in both UK and US English, and it implies or means that the person is retired.In this rat-race society, many people are zealous of working hard to earn more incomes.As the busy has no time for tears,some irresponsible and heartless people had sent their old parents to Old Folks Home.The comma, like all symbols in the world, holds profound meaning for many people.Old Folks Home - there, a place that becomes the new home for those senior citizens who are left by their children.

On 10th October 2009, my friends ( Group K) had been orchestrated their comunity service project to an old folks home at Skudai. Hui En, Siew Chen and I followed them to give some contribution- help taking photos apart from visiting~~. We spent our morning for singk, then we went to the main destination. "Most of the residents in the old folks home are single,do not have relatives and some even have sickness such as Parkinson".. We were received with opened arms by the commitee of the old folks home, and a sexagenarian had attracted me by her act of showing off her red-painted nails. Well, I felt sorry of her as she seemed to be had a degenerative disorder or maybe mental illness.

While taking photos, we had approached some residents to have a cozy chat. Hmm.. there's an old woman been sent to the old folks home by their children from sarawak. Hui En and I had been chatted with a woman whose aged 55++ and from Johor. According to her, her daughter works at Singapore and lack of time to take of her so she is being sent to there.Although she said that she didn't mind being sent to there as her daughter was busy working, yet I can see her writhed with sadness. The woman who was next bed to her was always had her one-man-show as most of the others said that she didn't want to fraternize with the others.hAIz...

I had a hard time to face those old people/ listen to their sad stories( how they were dumped by their children). Tears almost rolled down my cheeks when saw some of the old folks contorted with pain due to their sickness such as Parkinson and apoplexy(stroke). Before leaving, we donated and gave cranes and biscuits to the old folks as souvenirs.

It's a good thing to learn cautions from the misfortunes of the others. It's a veracity to say that we shouldn't leave our parents aside or send them to old folks home as they had been taking care of us ( feotus> kid> child>adult...). They had been sacrificed time, money and given us love apart from satisfying our basic needs i.e. food,shelter and clothings too.

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