Monday, December 17, 2012

Gathering and Pre-Christmas Celebration

 I would say that it was a pre-Christmas Celebration as we had a gathering and changing Christmas present at the end of the gathering. Time flied and it came to the final month of the year 2013. The last gathering before each attending the battle of final year project presentation next week and final exams, and yea, before we go back to hometown to have our internship!It was a confused moment as I didn't wish to complete my degree studies that fast as I would miss this bunch of buddies.

The gathering was held at Dong Seoul, Batu Pahat. I was very dissatisfied with the service here as we were served very slow. The staffs were inattentive as we needed to ask them to refill our side dishes for several times. At the end, we were told that we could only refill three side dishes at one time. Huh?! But we requested for several times, why a side dish need to be served after few requests?! A bad experience to dine at there, and I would say Nay for the 2nd visit.

In spite of the dining place, we had our meals. The laughter and chat among more than 30 of us had filled the entire Dong Seoul. 

A surprise was given by my friends and a birthday celebration for those who born in November and December.

Birthday cake
5 of us celebrated together :)

Thanks to these bunch of coursemates!
 Afterwards, our pre-Christmas Celebration commenced. We exchanged gifts by using lucky draw method.
 It had been a very long time since we had such exchanging gift game.

 My pick, a cute sailboat made of  seashells.

Each of us had our lucky gift. =)
Guys and girls, thanks to everyone who make these moments of being gathered together so precious and wonderful!!! ♥
Merry Christmas in advance, peeps! 

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