Sunday, December 16, 2012

Seafood @ Sea Terrace Seafood; Malacca's Portuguese Settlement

When talk about Malacca delicacies, most would think of Nadeje crepes, satay celup, nyonya laksa, etc., having seafood excursion at Sea Terrace Seafood; Portuguese Settlement while enjoying the sunset could be a great idea when come to Malacca. It is located in Ujong Pasir, approximately 5km away from the Malacca City. I enjoyed coming to Malacca's Portuguese Settlement 2-3 weeks before Christmas Day as most of the Portuguese' homes had been decorated for Christmas celebration. The drawback of coming here during Christmas season was the heavy traffic and hard to find parking lot.

Okay, coming to the main highlights of the food we had at Sea Terrace Seafood; Malacca's Portuguese Settlement. There're a row of stalls at Malacca's Portuguese Settlement and most of the touts would approach you to recommend their foods. By the way, it was a fallacy to think that Malacca Portuguese Settlement sells Portuguese food because most food patronizers came here for the seafood. You could request for Portuguese cooking method of fish (ikan bakar). J had been an usual food patronizer here and he had directed me to the 1st stall of Sea Terrace Seafood.

Flavorful pineapple fried rice with fluffy eggs,sweet corns, pineapples, meat slices, and cucumber slices

Kangkung Belacan RM6 which had me jaw-dropped when I heard of the price as this would be double price for this large portion of vegetables in K.L.

We were actually opted for crabs, however J was captivated by the fresh horseshoe crab which was just caught by fisherman. I was shocked when horseshoe crab was served as it didn't have the flesh like crabs. Indeed, horseshoe crab was not similar to crab and the look of it laying on its back was quite creepy and scary. The horseshoe crab was grilled and it had no edible parts except the large portions of eggs or roe. 

Horseshoe crab  with the thousands roe in orange colour housing in the bottom of the shell.

I just had tried few of the roe of horseshoe crab and the taste wasn't like the ebiko .
It's tiny fishy creature with starchy, dry texture.
After all, J was the one who finished most of the horseshoe crab's roe.
It was an adventurous experience to finish this horseshoe crab and we would not like to give another try.

Deep-fried squids
The squids were deep-fried till crispy yet not oily, and still retaining the freshness of the squids. 
The crunchiness of these batter deep-fried squids were awesome!

 Joe’s Only One Mango Juice  RM2.50 per cup
A mixture of ripe and raw mangoes with a dried sour plum which was added for little hints of salty flavor. It's definitely a refreshing drink that could made you slurping non-stop.

Portuguese Settlement,
Ujong Pasir,
75050 Melaka