Sunday, January 18, 2015

Kuching Tour | Semenggoh Natural Reserve and Wildlife Centre & Jong's Crocodile Farm

The Kuching tour was not only limited in discovering the cultures but we had ventured out into the nearby jungles to witness some interesting creatures such as Orang Utan and crocodiles.

We arrived Semenggoh Natural Reserve around 9.30am and the park rangers gave a safety briefing about the orang utan's feeding area and what we could do and don't in that area. As there are no fence prohibiting the people to get near orang utan, in other words, the orang utan are free to avail themselves to be feed. Also, each of us were reminded to keep the noise to the minimum so that the orang utans will  appear in feeding area.

The entry pass which costs RM5 per adult.

The sun rays.

Along the way to the feeding area, we spotted kacip fatimah.

Orang Utan started to come out for their food.

We were exceptionally lucky as there were few orang utan came out from their habitat for food during feeding time. The park ranger said that there could be no show sometimes.

The two buddies :)

You can spotted ants were "digested" by the Nepenthaceae.

Jong's Crocodile Farm was the next destination we had headed afterwards. Well, we didn't fascinate with the reptiles yet Jong's Crocodile Farm was highly recommended by a Kuching friend as it's somehow a must-be-visited place when came to Kuching.

In front of the poster of baby crocodiles

Crocodile cartoon which is not that scary.

A brief introduction of how baby crocodiles are hatched from the eggs till adult crocodile had been displayed on the exhibition hall after entrance of Jong's Crocodile Farm.

We headed to watch the live show of ferocious predators and their prey. The workers placed the preys on the hanger to feed the hungry crocodiles. The hungry crocodiles emerged their heads wanting to be feed.

The victory of having its prey when it successfully emerged from the water and had a huge snap over its prey before the rest of crocodiles approached.

Another shot of the crocodile and its prey. The prey looked like a pitiful chicken to me. 
Well, another crocodile was spotted near this predator.

Loud applauds were given to the successful crocodile which had successfully eaten its prey before the rest arrived. From the way of how the prey lost in crocodile's mouth within seconds, I could imagine how terrifying the job of Stephen Robert "Steve" Irwin (crocodile hunter) whom had to always film together with these predators. Hmm, I disliked crocodiles particularly due to their hypocrite crying fake tears of grief.

We went to the bird parks, fish pond and a walkway with animal cages to see the wildlife such as the monkeys, leopard-cats, sunbears, bear cats, pheasants, civets, barking deers, sambar deers, turtles, fruit bats, otter and etcetera.

The cute otters

Group photo 

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