Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Kuching Tour | A Cultural Visit to Bidayuh Annah Rais Longhouse

We visited Annah Rais Longhouse which's located at Borneo heights. It was indeed an authentic visit where the Bidayuh community staying together under one roof in the longhouse. After registration at the tourist information centre, we were guided into the walkway towards Annah Rais Longhouse.

Stepping onto the corridor which was made by bamboos. 

Chia Pei and I had a photo captured at Annah Rais Longhouse.
We were served with Tuak, Bidayuh rice wine which tasted sweet. Nice drink :)
The local who was making the musical instrument.
Friendly Bidayuh showed how the musical instrument made from bamboo.

The head house which had collection of skulls of the defeated warriors from old days.
I did get frightened by the creepy look of the skulls.

Then, we headed to say " hi" to Ah Chai's Bidayuh friend whom had prepared the delicious local dishes for us as lunch. The traditional local signature dishes were our first try of Bidayuh foods, especially the world famous bamboo rice and village chicken.The ferns (paku) were collected from the surrounding jungles and simply organic. The organic herbal tea was served as beverages.

tea brewed from tree bark.


organic chicken 

After the hearty meal, we had a short tour around the longhouse. The traditional art crafts, musical instruments, traditional costumes were showcased on the walls, around the longhouse. The longhouse owner had recommended us to come over to have a homestay during Christmas as it would be free of charge and had celebration going on during that period. We got to know that most of the younger generation had left the longhouse to the cities to earn a living. The main income source here would be tourism and traditional way of living (plantation of bamboo, ferns, rubbers and etc.).

Last but not least, few of us had tried the Bidayuh's traditional costumes. The owner was very friendly as kept helping us to find the suitable sizes of costumes and taught us how to wear it. Only Kiwi had worn the costumes with T-shirt removed. Some photographs we had taken with traditional costumes before we left Annah Rais Longhouse.

 It's worth the pennies you spent to encounter the culture of Bidayuh and experience wearing the traditional costumes and enjoying the hot, organic Bidayuh foods. 

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