Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Memory span

Recently, I had been doing some readings and I found an interesting article about memory span of the goldfish today. There's a myth saying that the memory span of a goldfish is around 3 seconds, but the actual research in the contemporary has shown that goldfish does have memory span of at least 3 months and could differentiate colors, shapes and the surrounding of it. Hmm.. somehow I wish to become a goldfish, because having the bitter memories etched in mind is terrible. Bitter memories are much easier to be remembered compared to sweet ones. 3 months of bittersweet memories are enough to be tamed, and there's 'restart' button for goldfish to have another memory again..As human being, I could only remind myself to think about the sweet memories and not to live in the shadows of bad memories.

Anyway, the list of resolution for year 2011 is fulled of my new targets. One of the targets is boast up my pointers and remain in dean list! Okay, perhaps, not only be in dean list, I aim for first class.=) For my studies, I do hope I have more than 3 months memory span =)

Going to watch a funny movie introduced by aunt i.e. 7th Grade Civil Servant, hmm.. next would be The Proposal I guessed~

Monday, December 27, 2010


The year is ending soon and I only have few more days to spend with my family. Somehow, I felt sad as going to leave the home again. I know that I will miss my parents whom have shower me with concerns. Anyway, there are some random photos that I should have uploaded..

it was the birthday cake~ although it was not a happy-ending birthday, but i am still loving it.

- I am looking for university to reopen..
I hope for a bright year ahead...-

Sunday, December 26, 2010

丁当 我爱上的

丁当 我爱上的


Sunday, December 19, 2010

My 21st birthday

Everyone is wishing or sending birthday greetings to wish the birthday girl to have a wonderful 21st birthday. Yet,I wasn't celebrated it happily and almost spent the final 5 hours mourning/crying in sadness.

What does 21st birthday so special about? Yea, I can't deny that I did expect for a joyful celebration with the loved ones. But frankly speaking, it's just meant that parents had gave birth to me and I had grown up to 21 years old now! I did not put high expectation for this year's birthday, just hoping to have a nice hanging out with family. But everything was ruined after a dinner. I hoped that my sis could learn how to respect the elders' opinions rather than just follow what she desired for. Everything was ruined just because of the so called important 'face' of yours. Isn't a nice dinner to be having with family members more important? It's a bad day for me! The birthday cake was laid on the table silently awaiting for the birthday girl to make a wish. If I could make a wish now, I hope that my mom is not angry anymore, so as the siblings.

Anyway, dad, I am so sorry to make u in dilemma. I knew you suggested the venue with good intention, but who knows... Huh!Mom, i am sorry too=(

21st birthday, the worst birthday I ever had, I hate today because I wasn't happy!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010


The recent shocking news of a guy who committed suicide for his beloved ex gf had shown that the recklessness of parents who lack of concern of their children and the youngsters have cavalier attitude towards their own precious life. Is that really worthwhile to spend your time, life and tears for someone who doesn't love you anymore? "Romeo takes me to somewhere we can be along" is a girl's wishes, hoping that her Mr. Right could bring the felicity and happiness to her. Well, there are many inevitable thing happening in the love story.I hate to say that there are many Korean male/ female celebrities committed suicide because of love too. Committing suicide is just an avenue to avoid the responsibility and sorrows or anger. Leaving your beloved ones with a letter before committing suicide and after all, if you ever know they will be heartbroken to see your corpse with the letter in hand?!

Parents and family are still the only one who will not hurt you much and love you=) there are some exceptions to certain families yet the quote " blood is thicker than water" applies in general. Please do love your own self before loving others.

Life, fulled of bittersweet memories.
Just like my blog's title, it's a bittersweet symphony of life.
Being happy is something I am learning.
The greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion. The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being.

Let's smile even it's a bad day=)
At least you are still alive to undergo the sorrows.

Monday, December 13, 2010


I found an interesting post from my friend, Shelyn...She wrote this:

When you look once,
Everything seems nice.
But when you look twice,
You can see all lies.

In life, we have many ambitious desires which are achievable, but we lack stamina to keep pursuing. My dream never seem to be perfect and come true. Do miracles happen? It's inevitable for unexpected things to happen.

The one you trusted with can be the one who hurts you the most. The one who is the closest with you might be the one who lies to you. The one who gave hope to you is possibly to be the person who scuppers all your hopes! The one whom you care the most may gives you lies as present of the day! Gosh! I am damn pissed off today. Yea, I am having a terrible mood after seeing the message at 11am. What a great surprise of the day!!!Ish! Don't ever make a promise when you are unable to fulfill it! You are just a mood ruiner~ To whom who know me best, you should know that I HATE people who break promises ?!

Just like the quote above, when I see it once, the promise seems to be so nice, when I look at it for the second time, it turns to be a lie and will never happen! Gosh! My favorite month becomes the month I detest~Dec 2010 seem to be so unfaithful and I dislike it!

Huh!!! Anyway, today is my buddy,von's birthday! My dear von von, happy birthday to you! May you and martin be the sweet couples forever!=)

A funny photo which is taken from li chen to be shared with:

Well, my goal during the holidays- keeping fit! I hope I can have the persistence and perseverance to achieve my goal.

~ The end~

ps: Dear Lord, I wish my days could be happier!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Essentials for the month

Happy dates

Here's some fusion of bits of my life to share...

On 9th Dec 2010, I had been hanging out with von, val and von's bf; martin. We went to Fullhouse which I wished to go long time ago. Hmm.. the foods there are not very delicious, yet I quite like the decoration there.Thanks to Martin who fetch us to Fullhouse and Sunway Pyramid~

Let's view some camwhores of us..^^

Today, I had went to The Curve and Ikano with my family. After leaving KL to study in Johor, I got less chances to hang out with family already. Today= Shopping day! I finally bought the books entitled of, ' My sister's keeper' and 'waiting for a person's coffee'. Dad and mom bought me a pair of eyes mask!it's so cute~

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Today, I would like to address my appreciation to my friends who had bought me some souvenirs when they travelling oversea.

from li chen, my cute ex tuition mate + friend; Nottingham
- the postcard was bought during her travel at Oxford-

from Wesley, my course representative who had brought back the maple leaf from Korea, isn't it cool?!

An unexpected postcard was given by senior Nicky Kah Hoe who traveled at Jeju Island; Korea-


the upper photo is a shirt's words and it spoke my heart out..haha=)

Friday, December 3, 2010

December Month 2010

Yeah! December is approaching!I love this month very much!
1st, it's my birthday month!
2nd, there's my another 2 close friends' birthday month too..i.e. ee von and chin ting's! that's great~
3rd, I love christmas, I am looking forward for the gift from my neighbour..haha! this time, I hope tht i will not get earrings again. XD

On 30th November 2010, it signified our 3rd semester had ended after conquering the last 2 papers. My sistaz had been planned to go to visit Tropical Village, Ayer Hitam to release our stress accumulated from the assignments and exams on the following day.

There were only some photos being captured as we can't bear standing under the hot burned sun for too long. We spent 2 hours at there. Personally thinking that the entrance ticket fee which is RM10 is quite costly and the maintenance of the mini world is much to be desired!

After visiting the tropical village, we headed to Kluang Mall for taming our hunger. We ended up having lunch at Secret Recipe and the chicken cordon bleu was super delicious! It was too bad that my favourite mango delight cake was unavailable on that day. Huh! We found out that secret recipe's chocolate walnut chip cake was very nice too.


The top right= the 21st birthday cake..=)

After the lunch, we went to shopping~Hehe.. my attention was caught by big head doll. There were 4 designs with the difference of their shirts and eyes. The plush dolls were just too cute!
We were much like the prisoners coming out from jails for not seeing the world for a long time. Hahaha! We girls shopped alot for clothes, hair accessories and so on. We came out with a suggestion to the future husbands i.e. it's advisable for letting your wife to shop once every week rather than once a month; otherwise your wife will be shopping triple than you expected. LOL

The most unforgettable moment was hui en they all had bought me a mint vanilla ice-cream cake fro Family Bakery House to have an earlier celebration of my 21st birthday! The mint ice-cream melt inside my mouth while the love that's given by them melt my heart! I was much more surprised when I found the round head doll on my bed when I slept. It was the gift from them! I love it very much! The head is very similar to mushroom's head. Haha..


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Exams 2010

The 7 exam papers had been conquered within 5 days, or in other words, the exam papers for my course were finished within a week! OMG! It's really terrible when your brain's capacity is low to accommodate so many stuffs inside. The guilt inside myself is indescribable as i did not do well in my exam papers in final examinations. Huh..Quality Management, Business Law, Japanese, MOT, Management Information System,Technical Writing and Manufacturing Technology~ None of the papers that I am satisfied with the performance of my exams. Ahhhh.. Hopefully, I still can manage to maintain my dean list position.

I personally very dislike the irresponsibility of the manufacturing technology lecturer as he did not teach well and most of us did not know what had we learnt during this sem. A lecturer who only knew how to give tutorial questions after doing his one-man show of presenting the presentation slides! Ish.. I wondered how he got his Dr. title!!!

Anyway, i am the main enemy of myself for not doing well in exams~Nah, I still could on facebook during the hectic exam week..Facebook is much more interesting than reading the stack of closed-text passages..=*


exam preparation with a MILO cup in which its content is coffee instead of milo and some snacks~

....................................................................................'s useless to cry over the spilled milk, i could only to pay back my sleeping debts during the exam weeks now..

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Exam Week

Food delights

Mom's homecook糯米饭

Some captures of the foods during the exam study weeks~
chicken porridge from a malay stall at Parit Raja.
The taste is similar to chinese cooking!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010



Somehow, glancing back the photos that we captured last time making the memories embedded in mind become clearer. The moments we spent eating dinner at mamak stalls outside the Perwira Hostel, orchestrating moral projects together, had meals at Mui Lim before each going back hometown, enjoyed watching movie together, celebrated each's birthday and cracking brains to design birthday cards + surprises, planned for trips,etcetera. Yet, such moments could only be embedded in mind as we were like keeping each at arm's length nowadays. How sad?!

4th of November is approaching, in which it's going to be our dear sis i.e. chia pei and mf's birthday. We had celebrated for Chia Pei and we were glad that she was very happy with the pressie we gave=). Hui En had asked if we tried to organize a birthday celebration inviting m.f they all to celebrate together, will the friendships between us have a U-Turn. Hmm..yet, such opinion had been kept in minds and we did not make the approaches out. I could feel that Chia Pei missed the time she played volleyball with mf and siew chen while Hui en missed the time that ws helped her when passed by the hostel's guard house due to her dyed hair, the day we ate at mamak trying to reconcile back after quarreling over the rental house problem and so forth. Undoubtedly, we still miss the feeling of having them as our friends.

I have no idea with the causes for the friendships turn into a fiasco. Is that really because of the sharing of book's costs? My late apology wasn't helped anything~ Huh!

The finalized final exam's schedule was terrible! I don't really like finishing up the exams within 7 days as I know I couldn't finish up my revision. Huh...I am worrying of the studies as I know that my studies was kind of mess as I was rushing the endless loads of assignments most of the time during this semester.

I don't wish to be a dead meat after the final, so...
I could only ask myself to

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I had been struggling to post up this post in this blog rather than the one which belongs to me and him, well,it's kinda be neglected.Huh..Perhaps all of us are busy~

It's going to be having the 100 days that we have walked through, and yesterday i.e. 19/10/2010 was his birthday. We had an earlier celebration on 18th Oct 2010 which was the 90th days we had been together with. I guessed this unromantic guy never remember any dates. Huh! Disappointed~ Well, hopefully he will be at least remembering the anniversary date~ It was a simple celebration where we ate dinner together at KFC and ate 3 cakes out of 6. It had a deep meaning for the no. of slices of cakes I bought from JB.( by Hui En actually); and I was surprised that he knew the meaning and how the idea came out with. I am looking forward to see the photos, too bad that we did not take photos together that day! Huh..what a waste as it's hard to ask a person who dislike to take photos to be captured with u~ Anyway, I hope that he likes the gifts I gave and the cards as well. All had been made for couples of periods.

19/10/2010- His birthday- he celebrated with his test at night; with the short of electricity supply at most of the housing areas here from 8.30pm to 10.15pm. Hui en and I had been cooked spaghetti although without electricity XD. Nice moment~ Oh yea, thanks to Jia Sin and Hai Ling who send candles to us=)

20/10/2010- A memorable day although I was busy as usual, indulging with caffeine to rush the assignments. The short chat with Li Chen who was currently in Nottingham had made me acquiring a better mood. The chat was actually started with a funny way in which she requested for a sentence which I loved to use in essay-writing. Haha.. I was amazed by the friendships between us as we were from different secondary schools, high schools but just knew each other through a 3hrs tuition classes and hereby the friendship blossoms =) We could talk non stop in the tuition class and kept laughing on some silly matters. I am appreciating this cheerful friend, miss her =)

Last but not least, A shoutout from my heart- I wanna decaffeinate my drinks, I wanna rest with my computer off for days, I wanna get rid from the tons of assignments and correction over and over..., Huh... and I know this couldn't be happened as I have to study for japanese test on Mon. and complete my 3 presentation slides and 1 more assignment. AHHH..HELP!!!

I plan to reward my hectic life by buying a new pair of sandals which I loved and dreamed of ~ So, shopping on Fri =)

Penned by
a busy lady! lol

Friday, October 15, 2010

Luxurious life

1 week before this, I had been crazily looking forward to go to Sushi King RM2 Bonanza ( a promotion to reward the loyal customers who own the membership card). Today, after the manufacturing test 2, I had been gone to BP Mall to eat sushi with my sistas (kiwi wasn't going with as she's going back Johor to celebrate her honey's birthday). Thanks to Sue Fern's sushi king's card! woohoo..the luxurious dinner I had spend costing~ RM20.60~Too little? NOOOO!!! Hui en and I actually had shared together for 18 plates sushi! Haha..

Honestly, I prefer another japanese restaurant's sushi compared to sushi king. The 1st plate of salmon sushi was just a disappointment..Not fresh!Anyway, the sushi king's RM2 Bonanza is kind of worthy as I had satisfy my stomach with salmon sushi, ebi, surimi scallop, fry roll, tuna, golden ball, unagi,ebi fry... I am regretted for not eating one more plate of ebi fry! and I had not eaten the inari yet~ahh, don't have baby octopus's sushis..,abit disappointed!

I guess I may dream of sushi and teppanyaki tonight again!


Well, as subscribed to the title of the post ' luxurious life', eating sushi isn't considered as luxury lifestyle isn't it? Girls love shopping, the naked truth of the world. We went for window shopping over the clothes shop again! This time we did not spend on clothes but on facial accessories, make up stuffs and etc.

left hand

right hand=)

Haha.. yeap, that's my hands and the nails are coloured differently. Well, I did not purchase on these and it was the salesgirl helped to paint my nails while promoting elianto's products. Huh.. I had spent alot on elianto for the ever 1st time today as I purchased on the organic olive shampoo (RM35), the facial cleanser made of lemon( RM18) and BB cream (RM49) with the additional RM5 for an ellianto's pink bag (actual cost is RM29). The first time I purchased so much! Adding up the purchases on daily products i.e. yogurts and garnier aqua defense (recommended by dajie) and the nails color remover, I had purchased around hundred plus fifty today..Gosh! I am not a rich person yet spending like pouring water today. Hmm...

Well, my sistaz are quite shopping spenders too.. Hmm.. they had bought perfumes which costed them RM70 each. Can't deny that I love the container of perfume very much and the 真女人 and anna sui's smell! It's just super sweet like indulging in pool of honey to see chia pei's choosing her bf's perfume as his present.

Haha, it's sweeter when think of kiwi who has cooked delicious food for her bf as well. Too bad the food is going to be cold when she reached jb.Hope that they will have felicity! I am looking forward for monday.. Haha, another luxurious day? Anyway, It's time to keep fit, so yogurt and fruits are my part and parcel of life now=)

In short, the luxurious life gave me short period of happiness , yet causing my wallet suffers for some days.. Lol.. It's bleeding, I know~

Monday, October 11, 2010



I must be crazy as still blogging although have the loads of incomplete assignments and tests revision. Well, today is a special date with triple 10~ Haha, my day was begun with the delicious breakfasts bought by my dad- my favourite popiah + tauhu hua from morning market. Then, I received a shocking news from my two old friends who announced their relationship via fb. WOW.. unbelievable as they were from different secondary schools although had been gone to same class, same primary school before. A nice date to dating right?Haha...imagination~

10 things/ person I would like to address my appreciation:

  1. Buddha- for giving me life =>
  2. Mom and dad- for the heredity they make me the person I am today, their time, guidance, money and love they spent/spend on me.
  3. The Earth- providing me the essences to stay alive =)
  4. Happy Tree Friends (YY, CT)- the sweet memories we have
  5. Friends (Jessi, Kenny, Tee Zheng, Calvin Tee, HH, Val, Vonz, Shan and others...) - for lending me their hands when I need help
  6. My housemates, especially Hui En who lends me the shoulders to cry on when in need!
  7. Joel- for the existing challenges that I am trying to face everyday..train my patience,tolerance and efforts of understanding a person
  8. Blog- Without the territory to fill my sorrows and happinesses, I might have none elsewhere to put down my daily mask~
  9. Books- that make me being knowledgeable to certain senses...filling up my free time!
  10. Art- My life is full of colour! fun!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thank God It's Today

T.G.I.T = Thank God It's Today

Take time to smell the roses.
Take a nap on Sunday afternoon.
Trust in God but lock your car.
Never deprive anyone of hope. It may be all they have.

If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.
Eat inspiring food. Be thankful for every meal.
Don’t take good health for granted.
Wear outrageous underwear under the most formal business attire.
Enjoy your job and you’ll never work another day in your life.

Turn to the person next to you and say, “You’re GREAT!”
Make it a habit to do nice things… for people who will never find out.
T.G.I.T. Thank God It’s Today!
Judge your success by the degree to which you are enjoying peace, health and love.

When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
Be generous. Be honest. Be romantic.
Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring and integrity, they think of you.
Be gentle with the earth. Be gentle with others. Be gentle with yourself.

Never interrupt when someone is complimenting you.
Just take a deep breath and say, “Thanks – please tell me more.”
Don’t be an a-dull-t. Allow your child to come out to play
Take your dog to obedience school. You’ll both learn a lot
Don’t nag. Don’t gossip. Don’t tailgate.
Say thank you a lot. Say please a lot.
Think of the most difficult people you know … and learn to love them.

Don’t postpone joy. There’s no time like the present to be JOYOUS.
Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every part of your life.
Never give up on anyone. Miracles happen everyday.

Remember the two things that people cannot take away from you: Your dignity. Your birthdate.
Laugh your head off.
Seriously, let’s laugh our heads off! Okay, let’s put our heads back on again.
Do more than is expected and do it cheerfully.

Live life with passion and give others the permission to do the same.
Wake up every morning and say, “I am so happy to be alive!”(even on Mondays)
Learn to put love into everything you do. Take care of your soul.
Breathe – deeply and often.

Life is short .. play hard. pray hard.
Remember that on one can make you feel bad without your permission.
Attitudes are contagious… is yours worth catching?
Embrace all your feelings. And choose what to do with them.
Be a friend to Money… not a slave.

You will at times forget these suggestions. You can remember anytime you wish.
Remember to Remember. Notice and adjust. Enjoy the journey. The Choice is yours.

Embrace the feeling of yourself, but to not act under others' control.
Live yourself, but not under others' shadow~
thanks to a surprising gift given by my sis, en^^
without my friends of BP, my university life would be dull and boring..
without my supportive jie mei, my sorrows could only be kept inside my heart~
arigatou gozaimasu~

Saturday, October 2, 2010

September 2010

Wake me up before September ends~~
i wanna pray for a better life for Oct, Nov, Dec and so on...

Yup..September 2010 is finally ended, and I personally detest this month very much although some memorable and happy moments were embedded in my mind...

25th of Sept 2010 was the day that I had looked forward before something turned worse unexpectedly. Well, my house-mates, roomies, and I were overwhelmed with sudden happiness the few days before the particular day in which we went for shopping for our prom night dress. Kiwi and Hui En had been spending alot for the prom night dress...>.<...My pitiful wallet was bleeding after I spent RM70++ for a white dress. It might be the 1st white dress that I favor it so much since I prefer dark color clothes. I guess that it will be only girls who will be so busy preparing for prom night, as need to buy make up stuffs, contact lens, dress, high heels and etcetera.

On the faithful day, the prom night had been held at Landmark Hotel, Batu Pahat and we were having havocs before attending it. Chia Pei had been helping most of us to make up while my hair was set by Kiwi. Appreciation is addressed to both of them for being so helpful and generous in providing the expensive make up products for us to use.. Oh yea, must thank hui en too..for her costly make up products~~Finally, we managed to start our journey to the hotel at 6.15pm in which we should have reached around 6.30pm. Well, we weren't the late comers..XD

My number~~I wished to get 19 or 129(in which i saw the girl who got that number in washroom..XD) and the booklet..

me and da jie

me and my make-up designer..leng lui no.1

with zhen2,hui en, kiwi, si cantik shi hui, and Jennifer

captured by da jie when I pick up phone for chia pei..

let's have some look on the delicious foods.. yet most of the girls only eat the 1st serve..
I love sushi!!!!! have them in my dreams~~

2BPB's leng lui and leng zai..=)

yeah.. take 2

with ewen from BPC.. nice friend!!!

haha..with william, kwang chen as intruders..=)

let the memories stay~

me and him

There are lots more photos apart from the above ones. The prom night had given me lots of the '1st time', i gotta thank soon le here..his help on the prom night had shocked me yet indeed a nice friend's act of him really appreciated.=)

The 1st dance, ever and ever.. maybe it might be the final dance..~

How I entered the dancing pool will be embedded in my mind forever~

The 1st time danced with my fellow friends and crazy seniors nicky and his gang on the stage.. haha.. Not as 'high' as them..

The very 1st time we girls ate without caring how's the manner or expression we ate.. LOL..( Thanks Maxloon, Kwang Siong (knew on that day) and Ben for keep serving us with foods as we still need to care abit our image..haha..) I missed the tuna spring roll, sushi and the chicken..It's just a waste when see many foods left after the prom night. Perhaps AJKs should concern about this issue~

Lastly, congrats Maxloon for being nominated as Best Costume Award, Ben and Chia Pei as the candidates for Prom King and Prom Queen..

Well, the class had said to be joining prom night again during next year as it will be the last memoir of our uni.. Shall I look forward for it? Haha.. shall see then since Audrey they all will be going next year.. BPA's shirley that gang too.. OUCH.. so, pray that it wont be fall on 25th of Sept next year.. I hate 25092010 for some reasons, the things I expected and hoped for did not appear and even worse than expected~


Yea, the photo above that captured on 29th of Sept. spoke thousand words. My coursemates and I had been awarded under dean list with the pointers of 3.5 and above. I hope that my perseverance will be paid off this sem although I did not do well in some tests or quizes. Hmm.. may my dreams come true..

Ps: I hate wearing baju kurung.. I just don't dress nicely with that~~

My aims for this sem is achieving the pointer of 3.7.. can I achieve? Haha.. time will tell~


The spoken words were like knife stabbing through butter..Will the dreams of mine come true?I hope my cup of espresso is always with nice smell although it might have bittersweet taste~~

2nd of October, signifying the 2nd day of October 2010, well, without the sufficient sleep and focused mind, my Japanese Test is kind of a failure.. I did not do well and hopefully still can manage to obtain at least 80/100. T_T...

When the going gets tough,
only the tough gets going

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

100th post


Yeah, it's finally 100th post of my territory~It might have been months ago if I was more hardworking and persistent in writing blog, well, My Palace,My symphony of life and the rhythm in My heart is celebrating a festival named Happy 100th Post..LOL.. (being lame)

It's really spending a quite long period to write 100 blog posts. Well, I spent 840 days to write for my territory to make it as meaningful as it can be. It has been a part and parcel of my life.People often ask me how I come up with things to blog about, well, it's all about my life, myself...Nah, technology-literacy empowers the networking, yet I don't blog for the social networking, but to note down the milestones, memories, life of mine~What takes me continue blogging? Hehe..the passion, spirit and commitment are the keys to reach the 100 post milestones. Well, I will keep blogging and I love my website!
So, enough self-aggrandizing, onto the 100th post:
There's something I would like to decreed for my territory..An idea that I viewed from and that's really something below..hmm..100 words that describe about me XD

Wordle: Untitled11

Click it for a bigger view..=)
Some random photos of the author of the blog...

I love this photo..!

as being a youth, why not acting cute sometimes?! haha..


dad and sis were back from their trip finally..
glad to have them back at home =)

my house has 4 more panda bear soft toys nw..haha..representing 4 of us again XD


2 cute birds are cuddling with each could see how lovely are them!
nah, it's not easy to capture this..
I had been watching the two cute yellowish birds chipping or caroling on the tree outside my house for some moments,and took this picture after few trials. Yet, the picture is still blur..Huh