Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sight-seeing and Epicurean Tour in Peninsular Malaysia- Ipoh (2) Ling Sen Tong & Kwan Yin Tong

Apart from Kek Look Tong, we had made a stop to the another cave temple nearby; namely 灵仙洞(Ling Sen Tong). Ling Sen Tong and Nam Tin Tong (南天洞) are almost inseparable, hence we decided to enter to explore since Sam Poh Tong had closed as it was off-opening hour.

Can you spot a human face?
They said it's buddha's face.

Some pre-Chinese New Year celebration photo-shootings :)

The last of my excessive temple sight-seeing in Ipoh; Kwan Yin Tong which we had most of our photos captured at. The sky turned dark out of sudden and it seemed to have heavy downpour soon. 
However, we still rushed our way toward Kwan Yin Tong as our Ipoh friend mentioned that it's definitely worth a visit.

The row of zodiac animals that Chinese surely know about.
The snake looks real and scary.

Buddha statue

Nah, I wanted be blessed with good luck.

The words stated that we will have prosperity by putting our palms on the wall.

The nice swing for us to sit on, and to feed mosquitoes :(

Have a look on the mirrors and you will have good fortune.

I didn't recall if I had been walking into the cave which stated that " you will turn over a new leaf after passing through".

Walking toward the another side of cave temple, we saw a row of  life-like sculptures of kwan yin.

A Chinese poem on the cliff that was beyond my comprehension.

Hill (慧峰) and we were told that we could climb up the stairs to have a better view of the overall cave temple. However, we decided to stay at the ground to have a glimpse as the sky was getting darker and darker. As you could see from the photo, many gold kwan yin statue could be seen here.

We spotted this funny-looked statue, did my friend look like him? LOL
After the sight-seeing tour at three/ four temples continuously, we were exhausted.
We headed to our hotel and dropped by to have photo captured with Tambun's pomelo landmark. 

Click below links for the intensively awesome epicurean tour in Perak:

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