Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sight-seeing and Epicurean Tour in Peninsular Malaysia- Ipoh (1) Kek Look Tong

We had our graduation trip towards the Northern Region of Peninsular Malaysia. The first destination was Ipoh which was renowned for the caves, temples and foods (bean sprouts and chicken rice). I had savory of Ipoh wantan noodles upon arrival at Ipoh. Well, the wantan noodles was dined at hawker stall which was behind Gopeng McDonalds and I was impressed with the bouncy noodles and the taste. Perhaps I was too hungry.

极乐洞(Kek Look Tong)- Cave of Utmost Happiness
With the tour guides a.k.a. our Ipoh- born uni mates ( Pooi Teng, Jyi Choong and Mei Yen), we had the extensively worthy trip around Ipoh. Without them, the sight-seeing tour would be unsuccessful as none of us know how to find nice foods here so as the cave temples. The Kek Look Tong Cave Temple is a tourist attraction situated in the natural and picturesque area of Guning Rapat in the south of Ipoh.

The huge statue of Guan Yin and a big fish pond located in front of the entrance to the cave temple.

Few photos were captured before we entered Kek Look Tong.

I was impressed with the nature artwork rowed at the sides of entrance leading to the temple. The plants were well kept and decorated with religious statue.
 The temple is set in a huge limestone cave surrounded with natural stalactites and rock formations.

From left to right: Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Vairocana Buddha, Manjusri Bodhisattva
The cave emerged to a garden surrounded by hills after walking down a ladder from the cave. It looked like a scenery poster.

Jyi Chong with the gold phoenix statue
" Successful" was the words written. We were puzzled who stole away the his Chinese brush.
The blossom water lily.
Girls' photo :)
Here was the photo of the guys.
Nevertheless, I needed a self- portrait as well.
Last but not least, we had photo in front of Gua Kek Look Tong.
Next, we explored the another cave temple which is named as Ling Sen Tong.

Click below links for the intensively awesome epicurean tour in Perak:

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