为什么人要这么的脆弱 堕落
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
童年的纸飞机 现在终于飞回我手里
偷摘水果被蜜蜂给叮到怕了 谁在偷笑呢
哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆
哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
回家吧 回到最初的美好
不要这么容易就想放弃 就像我说的
追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了
笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的
童年的纸飞机 现在终于飞回我手里
偷摘水果被蜜蜂给叮到怕了 谁在偷笑呢
哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆
哦 哦
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
Hmmmm 其实这也不会是第一次到别地方长住了。
A blog that is comprised of the author's bittersweet symphony of life, her memories,her random thoughts, social networking, her drawing galleries, opinions,education,friendship,travels,web design and etcetera.
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Saturday, December 27, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
My Birthday Celebrations
"Without you, there'd be no sun in my sky, there would be no love in my life, there'd be no world left of me."
- Leann Rimes
Without friends around me, my life will be insensate, there would be a dull day i spent for my 19th birthday.On 18th of Dec. , my classmates( bee yen, sze yiing, han hau, yan yan, yih loong, sua, wong and li yin) had organized a gathering/ celebration at Island Cafe.I am thankful to the organizers for making the efforts to plan although I knew there's some unhappiness happened before the day.A profuse thanks to han hau who bought the Big Apple doughnuts and of course to my dear classmates,thanks for the card and the birthday song..Well, honestly, looking at the card, 真是哭笑不得!!
On 19th of Dec,I celebrated my birthday with my close friends( chin ting, yan and zhi ling) and 2 more gentlemen a.k.a Wen Xuan and Ah Hui in Sg. Wang. As planned,we were also celebrated chin ting's birthday as well which falls on 24th of Dec.We spent our time at Sushi Station and sing k..Woohoo, it's unexpectable that Wen Xuan can be so " high" when singing,solo as he is considered shy and quiet in school.In contrast, another guy is obviously too quiet lo...
There's lots of surprises given by yan yan they all which made me stunts for times today.
1st: When the time for singing k was ended,the screen of the tv had shown the last song which played was ended,suddenly wen xuan used de microphone and said there's still a song not yet to be sang.. and that's the happy birthday song and I received the gifts from them...Nice one.. Thank you so much!!!
2nd: Surprise from the cunning yan yan and chin ting~~ Haiz,I was being dumbfounded. T_T At KL Central station, chin ting had pretended receiving a call from someone and said will go and buy a cake for the bbq xmas party at Pei Ling's house.Luckily there's no incoming calls to chin ting that time.Haha!Well,reminisced back it was really funny as I was accompanied chin ting to buy the cake and thanks to wee yen who revealed secret accidentally so that i knew the cake was actually bought for me. haha!!!
3rd: At Pei Ling's house- Xmas Party.Another surprise coming from yan yan and the st john friends.Well, I bet the idea was coming from yan yan again. She and others sang the birthday song, and out of sudden she turned to a junior; Bey Lin and said she's also having birthday on the same day. OK, good show.. I thought it was real.
4th: Receiving the biggest birthday card from st john friends( suet min, sue ann, mei ern, ying qing, chia wen, pei ling, wee yen and etc.) THANKS ALOT!!!
The 1st time I spent my birthday by hanging out with friends for the whole day~~ It's really unforgetable and exciting.
Profuse thanks to my friends who have celebrated with me, wished me through friendster or facebook comments and sms.Oh yea, thanks to shin peih,val,von,shan and wai min who had bought me a handbag as gift last week.
Last but not least, Happy birthday to me...
- Leann Rimes
Without friends around me, my life will be insensate, there would be a dull day i spent for my 19th birthday.On 18th of Dec. , my classmates( bee yen, sze yiing, han hau, yan yan, yih loong, sua, wong and li yin) had organized a gathering/ celebration at Island Cafe.I am thankful to the organizers for making the efforts to plan although I knew there's some unhappiness happened before the day.A profuse thanks to han hau who bought the Big Apple doughnuts and of course to my dear classmates,thanks for the card and the birthday song..Well, honestly, looking at the card, 真是哭笑不得!!
On 19th of Dec,I celebrated my birthday with my close friends( chin ting, yan and zhi ling) and 2 more gentlemen a.k.a Wen Xuan and Ah Hui in Sg. Wang. As planned,we were also celebrated chin ting's birthday as well which falls on 24th of Dec.We spent our time at Sushi Station and sing k..Woohoo, it's unexpectable that Wen Xuan can be so " high" when singing,solo as he is considered shy and quiet in school.In contrast, another guy is obviously too quiet lo...
There's lots of surprises given by yan yan they all which made me stunts for times today.
1st: When the time for singing k was ended,the screen of the tv had shown the last song which played was ended,suddenly wen xuan used de microphone and said there's still a song not yet to be sang.. and that's the happy birthday song and I received the gifts from them...Nice one.. Thank you so much!!!
2nd: Surprise from the cunning yan yan and chin ting~~ Haiz,I was being dumbfounded. T_T At KL Central station, chin ting had pretended receiving a call from someone and said will go and buy a cake for the bbq xmas party at Pei Ling's house.Luckily there's no incoming calls to chin ting that time.Haha!Well,reminisced back it was really funny as I was accompanied chin ting to buy the cake and thanks to wee yen who revealed secret accidentally so that i knew the cake was actually bought for me. haha!!!
3rd: At Pei Ling's house- Xmas Party.Another surprise coming from yan yan and the st john friends.Well, I bet the idea was coming from yan yan again. She and others sang the birthday song, and out of sudden she turned to a junior; Bey Lin and said she's also having birthday on the same day. OK, good show.. I thought it was real.
4th: Receiving the biggest birthday card from st john friends( suet min, sue ann, mei ern, ying qing, chia wen, pei ling, wee yen and etc.) THANKS ALOT!!!
The 1st time I spent my birthday by hanging out with friends for the whole day~~ It's really unforgetable and exciting.
Profuse thanks to my friends who have celebrated with me, wished me through friendster or facebook comments and sms.Oh yea, thanks to shin peih,val,von,shan and wai min who had bought me a handbag as gift last week.
Last but not least, Happy birthday to me...
Friday, August 29, 2008
catching up the voice in me~~
a little bit update of myself~~
It is a Spider's lair of forgotten despairs
I find myself searching for true friends and love
Everyone needs someone to stand by their side
Everyone needs a special someone to have their back.
It's delicate webbing to catch my fears
The final school life seem to be besetted with problems
There,when a guy talks to much to a girl,another girl might be jealous( nah,creepy feeling whenever talk to single-status guys)LOL
There,a girl might simply spoil others' friendships just to fulfill what she wants
There,some juniors' act are just very unprecedented (maybe for someone-me from girl school)
Fragments of all these,perhaps becoming half-remembered dreams in the future
The silence is defending.
My mind shouts realities,
True friends hard to be found
Love can't be reached
Here,I have made a revelation...
I will vow my enduring love
To adorn real friends and value if you treasure the friendships
No spiders,cats,reptiles,no creepy things that scare me( at this mean time^^)
The only fears that are truly justified
Are the nightmares that await me when I open my eyes?
-the end-
>> i need you to believe in me,and tell me it's alright <<
It is a Spider's lair of forgotten despairs
I find myself searching for true friends and love
Everyone needs someone to stand by their side
Everyone needs a special someone to have their back.
It's delicate webbing to catch my fears
The final school life seem to be besetted with problems
There,when a guy talks to much to a girl,another girl might be jealous( nah,creepy feeling whenever talk to single-status guys)LOL
There,a girl might simply spoil others' friendships just to fulfill what she wants
There,some juniors' act are just very unprecedented (maybe for someone-me from girl school)
Fragments of all these,perhaps becoming half-remembered dreams in the future
The silence is defending.
My mind shouts realities,
True friends hard to be found
Love can't be reached
Here,I have made a revelation...
I will vow my enduring love
To adorn real friends and value if you treasure the friendships
No spiders,cats,reptiles,no creepy things that scare me( at this mean time^^)
The only fears that are truly justified
Are the nightmares that await me when I open my eyes?
-the end-
Thursday, August 7, 2008
The most heart-wrenching experience ?!
During the Chemistry lesson today, my mood has altered dramatically from joyful into reticent mood.It's seem like I was desperated to sit beside a guy and almost gonna to beg Mr.S to let me sit at the corner of the table.Without degrade my self-esteem,I moved to the original seat that i should be sitting.Yet,there's an obvious scene in which i was sitting alone while yan2 and sy had been moved to sit in front.
Was I have no rights to sit alone?Was it a necessary to have a companion sitting next to me?and was I don't even have the rights to be forlorn or being quiet?Well,I wasn't deaf or blind.It's insulting when hearing that" why u all dumped her there?" Gosh,am i a rubbish? ! I don't mind to sit alone(although did feel it's boring and felt as being left away).But I couldn't understand why all seem to show a kind of sympathy to me.I hate it.My blood was rushing up my neck during the lesson,forcing myself to concentrate~~However,I appreciated some who offered me to sit with them.
After school,I was even frustrated to received those msgs.Those ain't showing concern,but more like teasing.Yea,I knew somehow it did looked weird to be sitting alone and without them sitting next to me.So? And why should i continue degrading my self-respect after being rejected to sit there?! Gosh..I just couldn't believe she who is considered as close friend who said like that.
I could be having a serene day and joyful mood without having such good concern.
Keigo is a type of Japanese conjugation or way of speaking that is used when speaking between ranks, i.e."I put myself in a humble position, and I raise you up and honor you." or treating both as the same. Somehow,there are some of my friends tend to do the opposite. "You're wrong,I'm right(although you're doing something correct)," or in terms of "I have to find a way to make myself sound better than you."
I was barely to have happiness in my life recently."Thanks" for all the teasing and criticism. Try to be in my shoes and understand the feeling of mine before you commenting anyone or say anything.Will someone ctiticize u as moron,and making fun of your name,and u have to be happy of it? Nah..I do have rights to be angry of it.(Such joke or teasing had been repeated for lots times).
Praying hard that my sky will blue again~~
p/s: thanks to the tuition teacher who made lots jokes on that day~at least gaining back some smiles~~
Was I have no rights to sit alone?Was it a necessary to have a companion sitting next to me?and was I don't even have the rights to be forlorn or being quiet?Well,I wasn't deaf or blind.It's insulting when hearing that" why u all dumped her there?" Gosh,am i a rubbish? ! I don't mind to sit alone(although did feel it's boring and felt as being left away).But I couldn't understand why all seem to show a kind of sympathy to me.I hate it.My blood was rushing up my neck during the lesson,forcing myself to concentrate~~However,I appreciated some who offered me to sit with them.
After school,I was even frustrated to received those msgs.Those ain't showing concern,but more like teasing.Yea,I knew somehow it did looked weird to be sitting alone and without them sitting next to me.So? And why should i continue degrading my self-respect after being rejected to sit there?! Gosh..I just couldn't believe she who is considered as close friend who said like that.
I could be having a serene day and joyful mood without having such good concern.
Keigo is a type of Japanese conjugation or way of speaking that is used when speaking between ranks, i.e."I put myself in a humble position, and I raise you up and honor you." or treating both as the same. Somehow,there are some of my friends tend to do the opposite. "You're wrong,I'm right(although you're doing something correct)," or in terms of "I have to find a way to make myself sound better than you."
I was barely to have happiness in my life recently."Thanks" for all the teasing and criticism. Try to be in my shoes and understand the feeling of mine before you commenting anyone or say anything.Will someone ctiticize u as moron,and making fun of your name,and u have to be happy of it? Nah..I do have rights to be angry of it.(Such joke or teasing had been repeated for lots times).
Praying hard that my sky will blue again~~
p/s: thanks to the tuition teacher who made lots jokes on that day~at least gaining back some smiles~~
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Phantom of The Opera by SMK.ST.MARY
28th July~
A precious night that I had went back to my beloved ex-school. SMK.ST.MARY had continued its rich tradition of showcasing musical drama- The Phantom of The Opera.It ended so well…I'm so proud of St.Marians.It's a great surprise to see St. Marians’ spirit is so strong and they have improved so well.
It's quite sad that I have to place a word-"ex" in front of St.Marian to address myself now.Anyway,once st marian,forever we will be~~ I'm glad to see Wei Jean acting so well as Christine,Mrs. Tan's daughter-Michelle acted as Raoul(she looks so cute),and of course a big surprise to me was Lim Bowie acted as La Carlotta.Besides that, the junior who acted as the phantom,I like her very much.Salute for her amazing performance!!!So as the pianist-Pou Leen and I did keep my promise to u,mei yeen,you are performing well!! I felt very happy when many juniors are still recognized me after I left the school.Wow..quite happy to chat with Eilyn Chong too.(Last time,I admired her very much)...
Not to forget,the main reason that I went back to St.Mary was to meet up my old friends.The st john gang,adeline,Tiff,inderpreet,yasmin,yee min,shwu wei and etc.Yo..so miss the school life there.The school life there is not replaceable.The bitter ans sweet memory in st mary will be embedded in my mind forever.The memories- chit-chated with the sweetest gang-von,yiing,val,vicky,shan,yuen,eileen and nikki; took nth number of photos with tiffany and see yan~,shouting or boo ppl in the hall during certain occasions. Too bad u guys are not coming today,if not can shout with me together.HAHA...and of course the memories with certain juniors especially nicole and siew teng will not be forgotten.
well,I really miss St.Mary's life very much.I'm thankful to my dear ex-school which had trained me to have good discipline and politeness.The school's motto "I SERVE" is still in my mind although I have been a new school now.Hmmmm... the ladies’ washroom in the school i'm studying now is enough to describe if I really wanted to tell…..
anyway,I'm really proud of you guys! ST.MARIAN ROCKS!!!
p/s: here are some pictures of the great show~~

~the main characters - charissa(phantom),wei jean(christine), michelle(raoul)

~the musicians~
A precious night that I had went back to my beloved ex-school. SMK.ST.MARY had continued its rich tradition of showcasing musical drama- The Phantom of The Opera.It ended so well…I'm so proud of St.Marians.It's a great surprise to see St. Marians’ spirit is so strong and they have improved so well.
It's quite sad that I have to place a word-"ex" in front of St.Marian to address myself now.Anyway,once st marian,forever we will be~~ I'm glad to see Wei Jean acting so well as Christine,Mrs. Tan's daughter-Michelle acted as Raoul(she looks so cute),and of course a big surprise to me was Lim Bowie acted as La Carlotta.Besides that, the junior who acted as the phantom,I like her very much.Salute for her amazing performance!!!So as the pianist-Pou Leen and I did keep my promise to u,mei yeen,you are performing well!! I felt very happy when many juniors are still recognized me after I left the school.Wow..quite happy to chat with Eilyn Chong too.(Last time,I admired her very much)...
Not to forget,the main reason that I went back to St.Mary was to meet up my old friends.The st john gang,adeline,Tiff,inderpreet,yasmin,yee min,shwu wei and etc.Yo..so miss the school life there.The school life there is not replaceable.The bitter ans sweet memory in st mary will be embedded in my mind forever.The memories- chit-chated with the sweetest gang-von,yiing,val,vicky,shan,yuen,eileen and nikki; took nth number of photos with tiffany and see yan~,shouting or boo ppl in the hall during certain occasions. Too bad u guys are not coming today,if not can shout with me together.HAHA...and of course the memories with certain juniors especially nicole and siew teng will not be forgotten.
well,I really miss St.Mary's life very much.I'm thankful to my dear ex-school which had trained me to have good discipline and politeness.The school's motto "I SERVE" is still in my mind although I have been a new school now.Hmmmm... the ladies’ washroom in the school i'm studying now is enough to describe if I really wanted to tell…..
anyway,I'm really proud of you guys! ST.MARIAN ROCKS!!!
p/s: here are some pictures of the great show~~

~the main characters - charissa(phantom),wei jean(christine), michelle(raoul)

~the musicians~

Thursday, June 12, 2008
It’s inevitable wanting to have the feeling to express one’s desire of intimacy, belonging and to be loved. Many people don’t know I love him so much. It’s a fate to let me know him.
Today, I meet him again. He is busy eating his breakfast there. I’m wondering if he knows I’m observing his countenance. The feeling of love is beyond words to be described. It itches in my heart that nobody could even scratch or touch! I had knew him for many years and the love feeling towards him is even stronger nowadays.
Last time, I considered him as a weird person and dared not talk to him. My heart will pound like a runaway horse when he approached me. I scared he’s in a bad mood. I scared of the strange atmosphere. The main thing I’d scared of was no topics to talk to each.
I don’t remember when the first time he held up my hands was. But I know when I need a person who is trustful, he will be the one. I know he will not reveal my secrets to any others. I know he can be the one who gives me comforts and suitable advices or solutions. Whenever I’m sad, he is the person I will think of to talk with. He will just sitting there in solitude while listening to my cavils. Then he will give me courage to keep moving on. Sometimes, I even throw tantrum or emotional chaos to him when I ‘m in bad mood. I know deep in his heart, he will think that I’m so ridiculous to for showing my own tantrum to him for no apparent reason. Yet, he will just look at me and say, ”So, what had happened to you?” or “ Cry out …” ,”want me to help?” and etc. Tears welling up in my eyes when I hear him said so.
For some people, they will think he is a serious person. Yet, the way he conducts work, being serious sometimes and etc. making him so admirable. (at least for me) Just that, my fear will rush through my veins when his eyes are radiated with anger. Sometimes, I am even angry of him till I think of leaving him. However, I know I can’t live without him. Without him, I may not survive. My heart will be in agony when I know how much he disappointed of me for not being good as expected. I always feel sorry for that.
I really thankful for the Fate Master for giving us the golden opportunity to be together with.He had sacrificed a lot for me either in $$,love and luxury. I know I love him! Some said love is reflected by what one has and how much in materials . For those who have the fallacy to think that, it’s definitely wrong. The beauty of love cannot be dictated by materials, but CARE and SACRIFICES (mentally).
I have the fear of losing him-THE MOST TREASURED LOVE. I never reveal how much I love him. I never make a confession on any of his special day. I wonder if he know how much I treasure him. I wonder if he will feel jealous when I talk more to m__. I still don’t have the courage to tell him directly the 3 sparkling, romantic words,” I LOVE YOU”
~I love you.Can you feel the passion of my love? dad....~
Today, I meet him again. He is busy eating his breakfast there. I’m wondering if he knows I’m observing his countenance. The feeling of love is beyond words to be described. It itches in my heart that nobody could even scratch or touch! I had knew him for many years and the love feeling towards him is even stronger nowadays.
Last time, I considered him as a weird person and dared not talk to him. My heart will pound like a runaway horse when he approached me. I scared he’s in a bad mood. I scared of the strange atmosphere. The main thing I’d scared of was no topics to talk to each.
I don’t remember when the first time he held up my hands was. But I know when I need a person who is trustful, he will be the one. I know he will not reveal my secrets to any others. I know he can be the one who gives me comforts and suitable advices or solutions. Whenever I’m sad, he is the person I will think of to talk with. He will just sitting there in solitude while listening to my cavils. Then he will give me courage to keep moving on. Sometimes, I even throw tantrum or emotional chaos to him when I ‘m in bad mood. I know deep in his heart, he will think that I’m so ridiculous to for showing my own tantrum to him for no apparent reason. Yet, he will just look at me and say, ”So, what had happened to you?” or “ Cry out …” ,”want me to help?” and etc. Tears welling up in my eyes when I hear him said so.
For some people, they will think he is a serious person. Yet, the way he conducts work, being serious sometimes and etc. making him so admirable. (at least for me) Just that, my fear will rush through my veins when his eyes are radiated with anger. Sometimes, I am even angry of him till I think of leaving him. However, I know I can’t live without him. Without him, I may not survive. My heart will be in agony when I know how much he disappointed of me for not being good as expected. I always feel sorry for that.
I really thankful for the Fate Master for giving us the golden opportunity to be together with.He had sacrificed a lot for me either in $$,love and luxury. I know I love him! Some said love is reflected by what one has and how much in materials . For those who have the fallacy to think that, it’s definitely wrong. The beauty of love cannot be dictated by materials, but CARE and SACRIFICES (mentally).
I have the fear of losing him-THE MOST TREASURED LOVE. I never reveal how much I love him. I never make a confession on any of his special day. I wonder if he know how much I treasure him. I wonder if he will feel jealous when I talk more to m__. I still don’t have the courage to tell him directly the 3 sparkling, romantic words,” I LOVE YOU”
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
In a serene morning,listening to Taylor Swift's songs...The newest sensation on the country music scene is Taylor Swift,i'm kinda admire her now.Her voice is great and her theme of songs are inspiritual,special and so as the songs>>NICE! I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed every single song on the album. Her voice is not only just great ,and she doesn't try to portray herself as someone much older or more sophisticated.
Sharing with u all a song- A Place In This World,it suits many girls perhaps...
Taylor Swift-A Place In This World
I don't know what I want, so don't ask me
cause I'm still trying to figure it out
don't know what's down this road, I'm just walking
trying to see through the rain coming down
even though I'm not the only one
who feels the way I do.
I'm alone, On my own, and that's all I know
I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on
Oh I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world
Got the radio on, my old blue jeans
and I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve
feeling lucky today, got the sunshine.
could you tell me what more do I need
and tomorrow's just a mystery, oh yeah
but that's ok
maybe I'm just a girl on a mission
but I'm ready to fly..
I'm alone, On my own, and that's all I know
Oh I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on
OH I'm alone, On my own, and that's all I know
Oh I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world
Oh I'm just a girl,
Oh I’m just a girl
Oh I’m just a girl
Sharing with u all a song- A Place In This World,it suits many girls perhaps...
Taylor Swift-A Place In This World
I don't know what I want, so don't ask me
cause I'm still trying to figure it out
don't know what's down this road, I'm just walking
trying to see through the rain coming down
even though I'm not the only one
who feels the way I do.
I'm alone, On my own, and that's all I know
I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on
Oh I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world
Got the radio on, my old blue jeans
and I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve
feeling lucky today, got the sunshine.
could you tell me what more do I need
and tomorrow's just a mystery, oh yeah
but that's ok
maybe I'm just a girl on a mission
but I'm ready to fly..
I'm alone, On my own, and that's all I know
Oh I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on
OH I'm alone, On my own, and that's all I know
Oh I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world
Oh I'm just a girl,
Oh I’m just a girl
Oh I’m just a girl
Sunday, June 1, 2008
1)通过电话对我的亲朋好友说我平时想说但却没有说出口的话。尽管生命时间很短,但必须感谢他们的养育之恩吧!还有,我很爱你们-我的父母!︿︿ 对于朋友,很舍不得你们。你们毕竟带给我很多欢笑`快乐。唔……似乎一个小时很不足够啦。父母-30分钟,弟妹们-15分钟,朋友-15分钟吧……
当在人世间,我们就应该有泪就尽量流,有声就尽情唱,有情就去珍惜,有苦就尽量尝…… 有感这一句满有意思,取自《鬼赞》。

1)通过电话对我的亲朋好友说我平时想说但却没有说出口的话。尽管生命时间很短,但必须感谢他们的养育之恩吧!还有,我很爱你们-我的父母!︿︿ 对于朋友,很舍不得你们。你们毕竟带给我很多欢笑`快乐。唔……似乎一个小时很不足够啦。父母-30分钟,弟妹们-15分钟,朋友-15分钟吧……
当在人世间,我们就应该有泪就尽量流,有声就尽情唱,有情就去珍惜,有苦就尽量尝…… 有感这一句满有意思,取自《鬼赞》。

Thursday, May 29, 2008

它不需要背景,大地就是深远的背景. ***
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