A precious night that I had went back to my beloved ex-school. SMK.ST.MARY had continued its rich tradition of showcasing musical drama- The Phantom of The Opera.It ended so well…I'm so proud of St.Marians.It's a great surprise to see St. Marians’ spirit is so strong and they have improved so well.
It's quite sad that I have to place a word-"ex" in front of St.Marian to address myself now.Anyway,once st marian,forever we will be~~ I'm glad to see Wei Jean acting so well as Christine,Mrs. Tan's daughter-Michelle acted as Raoul(she looks so cute),and of course a big surprise to me was Lim Bowie acted as La Carlotta.Besides that, the junior who acted as the phantom,I like her very much.Salute for her amazing performance!!!So as the pianist-Pou Leen and I did keep my promise to u,mei yeen,you are performing well!! I felt very happy when many juniors are still recognized me after I left the school.Wow..quite happy to chat with Eilyn Chong too.(Last time,I admired her very much)...
Not to forget,the main reason that I went back to St.Mary was to meet up my old friends.The st john gang,adeline,Tiff,inderpreet,yasmin,yee min,shwu wei and etc.Yo..so miss the school life there.The school life there is not replaceable.The bitter ans sweet memory in st mary will be embedded in my mind forever.The memories- chit-chated with the sweetest gang-von,yiing,val,vicky,shan,yuen,eileen and nikki; took nth number of photos with tiffany and see yan~,shouting or boo ppl in the hall during certain occasions. Too bad u guys are not coming today,if not can shout with me together.HAHA...and of course the memories with certain juniors especially nicole and siew teng will not be forgotten.
well,I really miss St.Mary's life very much.I'm thankful to my dear ex-school which had trained me to have good discipline and politeness.The school's motto "I SERVE" is still in my mind although I have been a new school now.Hmmmm... the ladies’ washroom in the school i'm studying now is enough to describe if I really wanted to tell…..
anyway,I'm really proud of you guys! ST.MARIAN ROCKS!!!
p/s: here are some pictures of the great show~~

~the main characters - charissa(phantom),wei jean(christine), michelle(raoul)

~the musicians~