The clock strikes!!!The remainder of the calendar showed I still have 2 more days to go back to uni life again.Oh, it doesn't sound like a good news to me as I failed to keep up my plan of studying japanese and finishing up some chapters during holidays. Ouch..Am I slacking too much?Hmm..I just managed to fulfill some plans during the holidays. Nah..Japanese Language, I'm going to ensure myself to study u more during the next holidays!!!Haha..
Anyway, before my semester break holidays end, there are some historical and memorable events that I would like to jot them down in my territory.
On 7th of July 2010, there is a huge bunch of us who had spent 13 hours++ together. Yan Yan, Bennie Tay and I had joined the Sc2 guys a.k.a Kah Sing, Dinaiz, Chee Boon, Kelvin Chan and the girls a.k.a. Wai Min and Pei Xuan to play bowling together. I was shocked when saw the bowling court was renovated and it's prettily comfortable! Haha..the marks of the 2nd game which played by Yan Yan and Han Hau were differed by only 1 mark with Yan Yan was the winner! Cool! Had been not playing bowling since form6 life ended.
After that,we went to Bel Pasto Pizza Italian Restaurant to eat lunch together before we headed for a movie entitled,"Knight and Day".
The 4 girls ordered the same set lunch together.Hmm..the soup of the day is carrot creamy soup- tasted a bit weird.I liked the spaghetti!After that, Chin Ting joined us for the movie.The movie-a funny comedy which made me kept laughing. After that, we played snooker and "football game" together. It's fun!Afterwards, we headed to i-City @ Shah Alam and we had been stuck in traffic jam for some moments.
Ladies and gentlemen, let the photos speak for themselves..^^
The scenery of i-city
All of us together~~

~haha..the owner of this territory~
~dec baby a.k.a chin ting~
~star star a.k.a yan yan~
It's a great marathon event where we hanged out from Selayang Mall, Bel Pasto,1U to i-city with gasoline as our last stop of the day. Tiring but happy!!!Haha..we are gonna to meet up again during raya holidays,perhaps?!
Oh yea, thank you for the driver of the day a.k.a Bennie Tay=)
8th of July 2010
I woke up with tiring body and sleepy eyes at 10am. It was the day which I would be hanging out with st mary gang! Wow!I looked forward to this day as I would be meeting the good buddies a.k.a von,val, shan and eileen..(too bad yiing and vicky weren't here..)Hmmph!!!
Venue: De Pastry Chef at Menjalara
The Ladies: Vonz, val,shan,me, eileen,nikki,su yuen, pei xuan =)
Today's buffet lunch was nicer than the previous one I went as has my favorite yam and mint ice-cream.As usual, we took lotsa photos when we hanged out.Ever since we studied apart with Val studying in Spore,me in johor, Shan in kedah, Eileen in utar, vonz in ATC...everyone are busy studying in different place and we could only meet up during breaks(it's hard to match everyone's time,yet it's great that most of us're having holidays now).It's a wonderful gathering for all of us though..=)

the ladies with kki returned home earlier..
with pretty vonz...
haha..with val..she looks gorgeous after din meet for so lg time..=)
haha..geisha jie was next to me=)...the pretty girls gang!wakaka..
..more photos will be uploaded soon..
After the buffet lunch, val,shan,von, martin (von's darling) and I went to watch The Predators. Honestly, I almost fell asleep due to the lack of sleep yesterday. Tired!'s funny to see shan being shocked when she saw bloody scene.*LOL*
hope our von von mui mui zai will have fruitful felicity with her darling.It's a nice impression given by him anyway...CHEERS=)