A blog that is comprised of the author's bittersweet symphony of life, her memories,her random thoughts, social networking, her drawing galleries, opinions,education,friendship,travels,web design and etcetera.
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Sunday, March 29, 2009
Random Updates
In this day and age,there were several random things to tell in my space,yet none of them could be merited a blog post individually.
First of all,I had been worked as a general clerk of the Sales Department of a HQ of a factory since last Wednesday.A general clerk post needed 3 managers and a employer to interview.Haha..I was still thinking the interview was too serious.Hmm..anyway, I was still thinking that this will be only a temporary job to me and I'm gonna to prove to the employer that my choices of the courses to enter uni ain't without any future~~BLEH! Hmm..I was quite disliked him who had the fallacy to think that STPM was a cinch and everyone should be able to get 4 flat unless he had sat for it and got good results!!!
Okay,back to the main point.The work loads were considered much compared to data entry clerk's which I had been experienced 2 years ago.Let me describe what will I do everyday: write sales order and pass it to a manager,type delivery order and invoice,write daily sales reports and daily $ collection, printings and lots more. Huh..I went back home later than 5.30pm everyday( my work should be off at 5pm)..T_T.. I shall work faster and be more careful. Hmm.. I can only conclude the job is tiring!Anyway,the Sales Department could be said as fulled of warmth and happiness(sometimes seriousness). The colleagues (Ah Sam,Shin Yee,Madam Lee) and the Heads (Kiki and Tony) were friendly,helpful and very nice.After experienced the job, I found out how essential was a rest day- Sunday for me!Aha.. and thanks for the job to let me bought many formal shirts and nice skirts..Haha!
Secondly,the sad thing was my buddy-Yiing whom I had knew for 8 years was decided to go to India for dentistry course for 2 years.Omg..She's the 1st one in the gang and the class who's leaving the country so early among us.Haiz..I was sad of it.The class had been organized a farewell for her at Niji Japanese Restaurant, and we gave her a card and a purse~~Hoping her all the best in her future undertakings.Hmm..I was kinda impressed with her persistence in pursuing her dreams(since form5)- becoming dentist in future.
Thirdly,my new updates of my friends( ee von and hui ting). They both are currently studying law in Advanced Tertiary College.Heard from Hui Ting,the college is the most pioneer law school in M'sia.Its great that they had went to pursue their future studies~~Another 2 future lawyers again!It reminded me about someone-Cecilia who was doing law too...After all,my cute buddy-Tiffany has decided and will be studying food science in UCSI after her a-level in May.
(Among the gang,nikki-future doctor,yiing-future dentist,vicky-future nurse,su yuen- future pharmacist...Okay,what's next will be?)-- all are going to be professionalist! I hope I will be too...
(to be continued)
Fourthly,my cousin(2nd elder among us) will be getting married on 10Th of May.OMG!He's the earliest one who get married!The marriage age seemed to be still very early.Haha!I was kinda worried of him as he didn't have a well-income job,hoping him can earn a living.Erm..I was kinda curious how was his future wife.Fat?Thin?Pretty?Anyway,beauty is in the eyes of the beholders~Haha,erm..the another job for me now-keeping fit to wear the dress.HUH!
Okay,that's the recent updates of my life~~
Monday, March 23, 2009
A Reply to Hui Ting
I guessed my reply to you might be a bit brusque,but I thought that its better than saying nothing.I'd felt gladful that you considered me as someone who's an understanding friend although I doubted should I be laudable as so.
As we were sitting in the same boat and were in dilemma because of the results.I could understand much on how you felt as we did do quite well in our SPM,but dropped to the deep valley for the STPM. But that's the fact we can't change anymore.I gotta tell you this:" In life,we have many ambitious desires which are achieveable,but we lack stamina to keep pursuing.The failure to get a good pointers in STPM is just one of the trials and tribulations in the journey to sucess. We should work stoically to reach for the stars!" Hui ting,your friends didn't say wrongly,you will be succeeded with your unremitting efforts!
As you had knew,i was being asked to enter the education path by most of my family members,and I didn't really like being a teacher in future(Unless being a professor!)Okay,I was just fed up with those suggestions (choose the course pendidikan bahasa english as bahasa kedua will be better than bahasa dan linguistik ) as that were their opinions which they thought its the best for me without considering do I interested in although i'd agreed that an educator job - good for girls.
About the issue on choosing langauge course, the difference of our setbacks was just you chose to apply it because of your interest while I chose it too as I had confidence in studying this course.Honestly,after Dr.K.G. Chan mentioned that my english would be considered bad if comparing to those who were english-educated,indians and etc.This had me losing the nerves of steel to pursue it. Well,thanks for your encouragements and explanations to make me deliver judgement on choosing bahasa dan linguistik rather than pendidikan bahasa english as bahasa kedua..Other than that, you had encouraged me to apply food science which I was interested since form 5 instead of asking me to choose all languages courses as you. It made me realising that I own a good,unselfish friend!
Hui Ting,I'd hope you didn't choose to study language course just because I had encouraged you to do so.I had encouraged you in taking it,as you're proficient in english language,and this is your interest and the future career of this course ain't bad.By the way,you gotta cogitate and choose according to your real interest,ability and confidence! I have some friends who didn't do well in their STPM,hence choosing unwanted/unfamous course just to get into their wanted uni.I hoped you chose language course really after rumination.
Buddy,I'm glad to have known you.Your moral supports and your shoutout for me on that day" go for what you want" had me took persistence in applying the courses i really wanted for. TQ
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Hmm..I wonder if this is really true~lol
You are The Moon
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.
The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Depression, Ability and Desperation (D.A.D)
10th of Mac was a remarkable day in which that's the day of the STPM results was released.Hmm.. when I arrived on the scene at 1.25 pm,I was the 15th student of my class who reached to take my results.Bearing with minds and hopes, praying hard to get good results, but the truth was cruel to me.My maths and Biology results was just out of my expectation in which these 2 subjects had pulled down my cgpa.Haiz..I can't blame others but myslef who only put efforts and determinations in the last 3 months before STPM~ I was so regretful now. I knew I can do better if I started to revise earlier and earlier like form3 or form 5~ Well,here goes the saying" remorse is the pain of sin".. With my LOW cgpa, I was just wondered how would my future path to be.What courses that offered by public uni that i can enter..
Here goes the saying "Remorse is the pain of sin"..* sigh*... SO DISPRESSED with my stpm results! Haiz..
I had a long talk with my parents and my ex-tutor i.e. Dr. Chan, and what should i do if I do not get a seat in public uni thanks to certain factors (fellow hopefuls, holla if you know what i mean!)Well,as my parents and relatives said,they prefer I choose courses according to my ability.Huh,The course they hope/enourage me to take : education and language!Oh my..These ain't my cups of tea.But I know I do have ability in handling English Language.So here,it's engendered me to think about applying Bahasa dan linguitik(English).Well,etching in mind,I'm still have to challenge with those who were english educated and matrix students.
2ndly,I had wondered why had i taken biology in STPM but not Physics although my Physics got a fairly better good gred than Biology.Somehow it was plausible to say that we shouldn't do things based on our interest, but should be more on ability.Haiz.. OK,I guessed Biology was just my interest,but I was lacked of ability to handle it well.So,shall I take biology-related courses?
Today - 16 Mac, the 6th days after the tredous day!I was getting recovered from the deep disappointment and gaining back some confidence + wishes.It was just like poem of The Road Not Taken again whereas I found that many of my friends who studied biology in F6 were thinking of choosing art stream courses rather than science field~~OUCH..Its like between the devil and deep blue sea in making decision of choosing courses and arranging the courses in sequences.
Well,i'm thankful to the on9 pals-Ervin and Yau Hoong who had helped me alot in understanding more about the course I'm interested about i.e. food science. The credits went to my beloved friends and seniors who gave me much comforts and encouragements to pursue.Today, I was ready with the choices,and applied =submitted.
Now I could only keep desperating,hoping and wishing my dream will come true.As been from the researches,its seem that not many of my friends are willing to study at other states.Thus,I'd hope that I can really get into a course that I put in my 8 choices.Perhaps choosing to go to a farer state's uni is much more better than the courses are rejected and got offers of cpurses like pemuliharaan and forestry.
Huh.. ok.. so just wish that my desperations will turn into reality(come true)..I MUST WORK HARD TO GET 1ST HONOUR DEGREE LATER ON..
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Some personality tests' results
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But you should beware and serious in choosing someone to be in a relationship with
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Hot or not?(for girls)
Part 1] Self Confidence: 60% -> You doubt yourself in some situations.
[Part 2] Sensory Perceptions: 62% -> Somewhat sensitive to stimulation around you.
[Part 3] Body Language: 63% -> Quite good at utilizing on occasions.
[Part 4] Conversational Skills: 80% -> A real talent!
[Part 5] Empathy For Others: 80% -> An extremely kind and warm person.
You are a typical girl, like the majority.
How well do you get along with others?
Here is the analysis:
You can make friends with anyone and are always interested in what people have to say, but you can also spend time alone quite happily and without getting bored. You don't overreact to things around you, and people consider you to be a bit of a cool cucumber.
A profuse of thanks to yan who introduce this website to me.. It's fun!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Some Special Events In February
Love is sometimes denied, sometimes lost, sometimes unrecognized, but in the end,
always found with no regrets, forever valued and kept treasured.
On 21st Feb 2009,it was a special day for Dr. Chan Kok Gan and Ms. Yin Wai Fong's wedding, the holy matrimony of two educators to engage and unite in a marriage.Huh, I had been worried of finding suitable clothes to be one of the witness of their wedding which was held in First Baptist Church near UM.
Here goes the process of the wedding:
1) The pretty bride a.k.a Ms. Yin was given away by her daddy, walking down the aisle.It's a great surprise given by the bridegroom who sang a love song.WOW.. SO ROMANTIC!
2)Then here went the opening prayer section and followed by the worship in song i.e. Be Thou My Vision and Joyful,Joyful and We adore Thee.
3)After that, The Pastor gave a long speech. Well i do agree with what he said,"The wedding lasts for a day,but the marriage lasts forever" It's so impressive. Hmm...
4)The best scene of the wedding was the exchange of vow" Ms. Yin Wai Fong, do u want to get married to Mr. Chan Kok Gan?" and the normal answer " i do" was given and vice versa..After that it's followed by the exchange of rings. Wah, the rings were bought from the most romantic country- Paris! I hope to get one in future..LOL and Lastly , Mr. Chan kissed his Mrs.Chan :)
5)Eventually,there was the signing of marriage session as the ending part of the wedding ceremony.Hmm, i thought there's supposed to be throwing the bouquet of flowers section? hmmm....
There are some captions that we took during the wedding ceremony..Just like what Mr. Chan said, he's only get married for once in his life, so don't regret if didn't take photos with them.. lol

To The Both Married Couples, Wish you a love-filled marriage for life and enjoy embarking on life journey together..
On 28th of Feb,I went back to my secondary school i.e. SMK. ST MARY with my buddies( sze yiing, tiffany, san san).Of course we met up with other ex-stmarian i.e. zhi ling,cheng luan, mei ying,vian gan and etc. The event for the last day of February 2009 that i encountered with was Sports Day. By the way, our main purpose was just to visit ouir ex-school and teachers.
Let me introduced you about the 4 houses in St Mary which were named after the ex-principal's name that was Playne( red), Mc Neil (blue), Pope (green), Pring (yellow). Ain't the names sounded cool?^^Well,looking at the sports events such as athletes', marching,non-athletes' tarik tali and etc, art groups and cheerleaders,we were remininsced over the celebrations of sports day in our year..OMG..I really missed that!We used to cheer out loudly or even hoo-ray during the school celebration such as National Day,teacher's day and etc.As ex-mc neilian,tiffany,vivian,san2 and I used to cheered these songs such as" 5,what are u waiting 4,if u wanna 3,3,2,2,1; let's do it!" , "we are mighty mc neilians,we will win the rest...",coke cheers and etc.OK,looked at the juniors now, they were just lacking of spirits.Aiyo,at least they should cheer for their houses!!!
the 4 houses on the green field~~
st john members-ready to serve!haha
the 3 designs of houses, nice?hehe..

the mc neil cheerleaders
Hmmm..finally,the champion of sposts day year 2009 was pope house,followed by pring house and mc neil house..T_T mc neil got the 3rd place.
Anyway,it didn't make me down as the purpose of we coming back not mainly for sports day event, but was to meet up with our dear teachers and of course chit-chat with old friends!We had chatted with some teachers i.e. Pn Chan,Mrs.Sivanes (the discipline teacher in our year and yet she 's able to accept our comlaints about the prefects..lol),Pn K.W Liew(tiffany and i scared to meet her as she always need us to help once we met),Pn.Tan, Mrs.Ng(the penolong kanan- she's the best teacher in the school with best manner and temper),Pn Muhazida, Pn Nurhuda and etc.

woohoo..i was stood next to my beloved Mrs Chan who taught me add maths.Oh,i had met up with Mrs Sivanes (the indian teacher)-my favourite teacher too! Haha yiing likes to make complaints to her last time..^^okay,the small part of form5 year 2006 took photo together..

me,yiing,tiff,san2 and vivian..5 朵金花?!lol
Hmmm.. we even got kissed by Mrs Sivanes before going we left for our lunch.I missed her alot!(guys, perhaps u all should come over and got her kiss,lol)
Okay,before ending my post for the blog~~These're some captions that we took in the school.Let's see the surrounding of SMK. St Mary.

that is the front of SMK ST MARY.. a perfect place for students to study,as there is without rubbish around the floor, with clean corridors and WASHROOMS, serene,and without guys to disturb girls..LOL..
the quadrangle i.e the place we have our assembly and the noisiest or naughtiest class will be brought down to get punish-standing there..^^ Don't u found the design of the school is amazing?It's Q-shaped.

~the corridors which we had lots of memories as we had reading books session during the mornings before the school lessons started.
the nice pool with fishes and and greenery of leaves.Aha,tiff was suggested some surreal frogs should have been added there..Good Idea!
I love this scene the most. I bet photographer of the Editor Board will agree with me as they always put this scenery in the school magazine..
The teachers' office-the place that tiffany and I always went to as it's part of our responsibilities..

aha..canteen!the table which had a bottle was my gang's choice to be there during recess..okay,look at the cleanliness!haha no flies around too.^^

The Girls' washrooms(anyway,there's no male students as this's a girl school)..
The floors-dry
The sinks-clean with hand-washer provided
The mirrors-PERFECT!
Overall,clean and don't have smelly odour!!!
Here were some impressive quotes that put on the board in the school..
attitude breakthrough challenge(ABC CONCEPT which was all about going back to the basics. ABC helps youth discover, maximize and fulfill their potentials through values-based, knowledge-rich and creative-interactive programme that will inspire their minds, change their attitudes and mould their character.
Hmm..st marians and ex-stmarians! Hope this can help u to remember the school's motto- I SERVE!
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I hope that St Mary will be proud of me too..^^ |
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Trust is a very important part of all types of relationships. How much you can trust a person, be they family, a friend or a love interest, determines how open and healthy your relationship will be. While trust is an essential part of all good relationships it is very easy to give trust before it is deserved or to give it too easily. Are you the type of person who trusts anybody? Do you have too much faith in other people? Can you pick up on the signs that a person is not trustworthy?Trusts another is a measure of belief in the honesty, benevolence and competence of the other party.
I do like the questions which are asked as it's always happening in our lives such as betrayal,misunderstandings,and etc. Here's my results-Your score is 35. You have found a healthy balance between trust and skepticism. While you believe that most people are good and well intentioned you are cautious with what you do, say, and how you act around new faces. You know that there is a big difference between being rude and being smart when it comes to trust. You are not likely to trust a person just because they are known to you, you expect people to show that they are worthy of your trust. Good for you! You are smart about trust and as a result will not put yourself in risky situations - be they emmotional or physical. Pat yourself on the back and keep doing what you are doing, you give new meaning to the term healthy balance.
"You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough."
-- Frank Crane