In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.
~ by Janos Arany ~
Love is sometimes denied, sometimes lost, sometimes unrecognized, but in the end,
always found with no regrets, forever valued and kept treasured.
On 21st Feb 2009,it was a special day for Dr. Chan Kok Gan and Ms. Yin Wai Fong's wedding, the holy matrimony of two educators to engage and unite in a marriage.Huh, I had been worried of finding suitable clothes to be one of the witness of their wedding which was held in First Baptist Church near UM.
Here goes the process of the wedding:
1) The pretty bride a.k.a Ms. Yin was given away by her daddy, walking down the aisle.It's a great surprise given by the bridegroom who sang a love song.WOW.. SO ROMANTIC!
2)Then here went the opening prayer section and followed by the worship in song i.e. Be Thou My Vision and Joyful,Joyful and We adore Thee.
3)After that, The Pastor gave a long speech. Well i do agree with what he said,"The wedding lasts for a day,but the marriage lasts forever" It's so impressive. Hmm...
4)The best scene of the wedding was the exchange of vow" Ms. Yin Wai Fong, do u want to get married to Mr. Chan Kok Gan?" and the normal answer " i do" was given and vice versa..After that it's followed by the exchange of rings. Wah, the rings were bought from the most romantic country- Paris! I hope to get one in future..LOL and Lastly , Mr. Chan kissed his Mrs.Chan :)
5)Eventually,there was the signing of marriage session as the ending part of the wedding ceremony.Hmm, i thought there's supposed to be throwing the bouquet of flowers section? hmmm....
There are some captions that we took during the wedding ceremony..Just like what Mr. Chan said, he's only get married for once in his life, so don't regret if didn't take photos with them.. lol

To The Both Married Couples, Wish you a love-filled marriage for life and enjoy embarking on life journey together..
On 28th of Feb,I went back to my secondary school i.e. SMK. ST MARY with my buddies( sze yiing, tiffany, san san).Of course we met up with other ex-stmarian i.e. zhi ling,cheng luan, mei ying,vian gan and etc. The event for the last day of February 2009 that i encountered with was Sports Day. By the way, our main purpose was just to visit ouir ex-school and teachers.
Let me introduced you about the 4 houses in St Mary which were named after the ex-principal's name that was Playne( red), Mc Neil (blue), Pope (green), Pring (yellow). Ain't the names sounded cool?^^Well,looking at the sports events such as athletes', marching,non-athletes' tarik tali and etc, art groups and cheerleaders,we were remininsced over the celebrations of sports day in our year..OMG..I really missed that!We used to cheer out loudly or even hoo-ray during the school celebration such as National Day,teacher's day and etc.As ex-mc neilian,tiffany,vivian,san2 and I used to cheered these songs such as" 5,what are u waiting 4,if u wanna 3,3,2,2,1; let's do it!" , "we are mighty mc neilians,we will win the rest...",coke cheers and etc.OK,looked at the juniors now, they were just lacking of spirits.Aiyo,at least they should cheer for their houses!!!
the 4 houses on the green field~~
st john members-ready to serve!haha
the 3 designs of houses, nice?hehe..

the mc neil cheerleaders
Hmmm..finally,the champion of sposts day year 2009 was pope house,followed by pring house and mc neil house..T_T mc neil got the 3rd place.
Anyway,it didn't make me down as the purpose of we coming back not mainly for sports day event, but was to meet up with our dear teachers and of course chit-chat with old friends!We had chatted with some teachers i.e. Pn Chan,Mrs.Sivanes (the discipline teacher in our year and yet she 's able to accept our comlaints about the,Pn K.W Liew(tiffany and i scared to meet her as she always need us to help once we met),Pn.Tan, Mrs.Ng(the penolong kanan- she's the best teacher in the school with best manner and temper),Pn Muhazida, Pn Nurhuda and etc.

woohoo..i was stood next to my beloved Mrs Chan who taught me add maths.Oh,i had met up with Mrs Sivanes (the indian teacher)-my favourite teacher too! Haha yiing likes to make complaints to her last time..^^okay,the small part of form5 year 2006 took photo together..

me,yiing,tiff,san2 and vivian..5 朵金花?!lol
Hmmm.. we even got kissed by Mrs Sivanes before going we left for our lunch.I missed her alot!(guys, perhaps u all should come over and got her kiss,lol)
Okay,before ending my post for the blog~~These're some captions that we took in the school.Let's see the surrounding of SMK. St Mary.

that is the front of SMK ST MARY.. a perfect place for students to study,as there is without rubbish around the floor, with clean corridors and WASHROOMS, serene,and without guys to disturb girls..LOL..
the quadrangle i.e the place we have our assembly and the noisiest or naughtiest class will be brought down to get punish-standing there..^^ Don't u found the design of the school is amazing?It's Q-shaped.

~the corridors which we had lots of memories as we had reading books session during the mornings before the school lessons started.
the nice pool with fishes and and greenery of leaves.Aha,tiff was suggested some surreal frogs should have been added there..Good Idea!
I love this scene the most. I bet photographer of the Editor Board will agree with me as they always put this scenery in the school magazine..
The teachers' office-the place that tiffany and I always went to as it's part of our responsibilities..

aha..canteen!the table which had a bottle was my gang's choice to be there during recess..okay,look at the cleanliness!haha no flies around too.^^

The Girls' washrooms(anyway,there's no male students as this's a girl school)..
The floors-dry
The sinks-clean with hand-washer provided
The mirrors-PERFECT!
Overall,clean and don't have smelly odour!!!
Here were some impressive quotes that put on the board in the school..
attitude breakthrough challenge(ABC CONCEPT which was all about going back to the basics. ABC helps youth discover, maximize and fulfill their potentials through values-based, knowledge-rich and creative-interactive programme that will inspire their minds, change their attitudes and mould their character.
.jpg) marians and ex-stmarians! Hope this can help u to remember the school's motto- I SERVE!
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I hope that St Mary will be proud of me too..^^ |
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