It has been a norm that my parents will not bring the whole family to attend chinese wedding when they received invitation card.Hmm..the main reason is they have to give a bigger 'angpau' or my siblings will engender a ruckus.
On 10th of May,it's a great day for my 2nd elder cousin as he's getting married today.Haha..surprisingly he's the 1st one to get married among all of us(13+ 10 farer-related cousins). Hmm..is getting married at 23years old considered early?^^ I'm so curious about how's the look,attitudes and etc. of the bride.
The whole family woke up very early today,preparing to attend the tea ceremony.I hadn't sleep during the night due to my aunt and uncle sleptin my room.Hence,I had Hobson's Choice to sleep in the living room.*HOT* * Mosquitoes Bites* HUH!Well, nothing was so special about the chinese wedding tea ceremony.Anyway,the bride looked pretty in the orange wedding gown and so sweet as the Lotus seeds and red dates tea (莲子红枣茶) symbolizing that the couple will bear children quickly and continuously.
As today was Mother's day,most hotels and restaurants were fully booked.Hence,my cousin had advanced his bridal chamber party(usually at night) at noon.I opined that the bridal chamber party was more like a big reunion party as many elder relatives came.At the mean time,I realised that my mom had many aunts (7 of them) and I only met 3 of them before this.I was glad to meet my eldest cousin who I hadn't see him for 2 years.He had grown up to be more handsome,and his hair had dyed to dark brown colour.Oh yea,he's still single.LOL..
The bridal- my cousin was extremely happy today and more talkative than usual.My sis and I approached him and congrats him,and I got back his wishes.Dwelled in the riverie,I began to mininsce over the past time which me,him(sueh ching),my eldest cousin(sueh han),Jenny and sueh long played together.As we grow up,we weren't so close as before,I truly,madly,deeply miss that happy time.
My parents and my 表舅 + his wife..
The bridal's mom(my aunt) and my dearest mummy
My eldest cousin's show time!!! He sang a love song to the bride and bridegroom.
From left: my aunt, the bride( Li Yen) and My cousin a.k.a. the bridegroom approached us to drink wine.
My aunt's mom,my aunt, uncle and the couples
The same generation..Hmm..many of us right?Haha..The indian mixed with chinese blooded is my cousins too.
PS1 : Jenny,Annie ,En and Jimmy were absent in the photo.
PS2 : I hate the cameraman who asked me and min to bend down in front of the bridal and bridegroom due to our heights. DUH!

At last,camwhoring session~~

Eventually,I wish the new couples the best wishes..Hopefully,he will not forget us after having a wife.^^
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