Yo..could you imagine me writing this?Haha..I spent the whole noon yesterday to draft it out,thinking of the words to express and slashing line through line when words phased wrongly..Nah,I don't have the hypnotic quality that can impress readers like J.K. Rowling, neither the popular vampire novelist i.e. Stephanie Meyer nor any other New York Times Bestsellers.But I still have to dedicate my concise piece for you..haha..
Take a deep breath...
Please be enthusiastic...
Here we go down the memory lane 1st~~lol
Although we were in the same class in the same primary school from std5-std 6, but we treat each as strangers..haha...By the way, do you ever remembered that we had tuition together in Ms. Krisnavani's house?=)
The real time where our friendship started was during Form1 when we (plus Chin Ting)had been arranged to study in the same class. I still remembered how we got warned by Sheilla for speaking mandarin during the 1st day of Mc Neil co-curricular activity.We worked on the chinese project together...(This reminded me about how's your frightened look when my mom served the "cha siew pao" to you..HAHA) We danced together on the stage of the school hall before..let's sing" MI NI KOL SAKURA AH E OH COME AND DANCE WITH ME..."Apart from meeting each in the school, we also had same tuition together-吴老师's. I still remember that he often ask us to stop chatting and do the exercises that time.
3 of us had been studying in different classes separately due to the introduction of new education system of the school.We joined different clubs except for St John Ambulance...
You became a prefect, CT became a librarian while me became a assist. monitor...
You became the Mc Neil Athlete Leader, CT became the president of St. John while I became the president of Science and Maths Society..
Even though we were active in different clubs and have different group of friends since we study in different classes, but our friendships didn't fade away. Perhaps it's because of we had tuition together. It reminded me alot about the time where I joined the tuition class of Mr. Sunny Lim...Kinda freaked out when being with the class! I guessed we had lots fun when had tuition there together...
Do you still remember when's the first time we got permission to hang out?Haha..it's after the PMR examination.We went to Sunway Pyramid!!!I still keep those sticker photos.We went for St John concerts duty together( Rain's, Pussycat dolls, Jolin's and etc...).We celebrated each's birthday most of the time, oh yea, I like the 3D cards that u made for me.( Well,someone actually jealous of it before. Haha)
We had fun of criticizing from SMKRA to SMKK I supposed..Haha.. I found this when read back the old blogs.Often being caught by Cik Kamisah when we were chatting during her lesson, well, she preferred calling your name..Haha! We played badminton and bowling together before.We shopped together for clothes before CNY and for Prom Night 2008.We rushed to PA tuition together and even walked along the railway before.It's really a memorable day- 31st August 2007! We donated blood together before.Hmm..what's more?!...The only once snookering?
.....Ah...We ♥ singk , ♥ gossiping and teasing each, camwhorring and yumcha!!!
(So when date me out to singk?)
Okay, finished reminiscing.Stay tuned...
Here's what I wanna say to you~~
A simple thank you for being there when I need help.
Thanks for being a part of my life,
and help painting on my walls of memories..^^
Although we are studying apart, yet I hope that our friendship can remain and stay~~
Sincerely wish you succeed in your future undertakings!!! Do contact me when you are in blue or need listener, although I may not as good as LULU gang...
♥20100524, 5.24pm...♥
Hey there, your another close buddy and I had been labelled as bad organizer due to the failure of organizing bday party for you. T.T...Aiyo,who asked you to be so active in SJAM..huh...Out of our expectation~~~
Anyway, there's an upcoming surprise for you. Haha...I do hope you will not be doing st john stuff on that day. If not...
Your gift shall arive soon or later from me and CT. =)

5 LOVES in the picture, signifying that:
24 Lucky Stars are signifying..
Hoping you have 24 happy hours every single day...
Hoping you have 24 happy hours every single day...
eien no tomo (friendship forever)
tesoro (treasure in italian)
tesoro (treasure in italian)