She had shared with us about how she communicate with her sons who were sent to singapore to study. For me, her educational method is differed from my mom who stresses about my studies and I don't be allowed to hang out or watch tv during exam periods while she lets her children to have their own ways to study and give pressures when in need. uh... I feel amazed by her sons who can be so independent of their parents. This is the quote found from her fb info, giving me and my gang some thoughts again...=)

我爱你,不光因为你的样子,还因为,和你在一起时,我的 样子。 我爱你,不光因为你为我而做的事,还因为,为了你,我能 做成的事。 我爱你,因为你能唤出,我最真的那部分。 我爱你,因为你穿越我心灵的旷野,如同阳光穿透水晶般容 易。 ——[爱尔兰]罗伊·克里夫特
The magnitude-8.9 offshore quake struck at 2:46 p.m. local time and was the biggest to hit Japan since record-keeping began in the late 1800s. It ranked as the fifth-largest earthquake in the world since 1900 and was nearly 8,000 times stronger than one that devastated Christchurch, New Zealand, last month, scientists said.
* 现在全东京电话都不能用,只有网络。所有人这时候都在走路回家,电车瘫痪。日本人只担心没食物。店长还很敬业的开店,怕大家没食物吃。只有超市关门,货物都倒了,无法营业。
*几百人在广场避震完毕,整个过程,无一人抽烟。服务员在跑,拿来一切毯子,热水,饼干。所有男人帮助女人,跑回大楼为女人拿东西 ,接来电线放收音机。几个小时后,人散,地上没有一片垃圾。
* 地震後,日本三得利公司宣布所有販售機將免費供應飲料!日本的711和全家全部免费提供食品和饮水!渴了,自动贩卖机免费;饿了,便利店免费;累了,大超市开放避难;寂寞了,公众电话免费;听不懂日语,电视台中文喊话教怎么避难。這就是國家形象,日本雖然受災,日本人卻給世人上了一課。
* 一日本网友说:说句心里话,虽然我在日本,但其实庆幸是发生在日本,不然死伤人数肯定很恐怖,我相信全世界只有日本才可以把死伤降到最低!
* 地震後,日本三得利公司宣布所有販售機將免費供應飲料!日本的7
* 一日本网友说:说句心里话,虽然我在日本,但其实庆幸是发生在日
The attitudes of how Japanese lending out their helping hands to each other after the devastation of the earthquake disaster should be learnt by all of us. The spirits, the kind-heartness, disciplines embedded in them shall be learnt by us when we face any disaster in time. When we questioned that how could their country's people have the ability to do so even they face the disaster, we often get the answer i.e." their education is better, their technology is more sophisticated,they had experienced all these disasters and they have predicted this might happen, their president are more charismatic, their country is at top rank of development"... I would say that all these answers are just excuses! Well, not to mention the country's name, experiencing various times of flood, I don't see the government have done any better approaches in handling all these. Moreover, this is just a small natural disaster compared to earthquakes, tsunami, eruption of volcanoes and etc. Huh..i opine that a developing (developed) country is not having a nice palace, huge and tall buildings, but have the appropriate approaches to aid its people whenever disaster come.
Anyway, truly bless and pray for Japan and hopefully the quake will not affect other countries which lie on "the ring of fire".
p/s: When you hear about the happening of this disaster, who is the one who appear in your mind? Do appreciate the people that you love! Life may just gone within seconds ...
Had been exhausted because of loads of assignments to rush with,tests preparations, interviews, Sife thingy, and on 11/3/2011-my health's alarm has been shown up red alert... Cough+ Flu + fever...=( I hope my body could be recovered before next Tuesday.. Gonna prepare for test~
p/s: thanks to chia pei who cooked porridge for me as I lost my taste buds during sick..Indeed, I felt the warmth of the sisterly friendship. Honestly, I felt touched!

I know miracles don't happen, but I'm still waiting to see if you'll make an effort.