The weather today was worse than the day before. It was much colder and the sky was cloudy. We docked around 7am for breakfast and began our journey to the south of Netherlands. The daytime would be spent at Kinderdijk, Rotterdam and The Hague while we will be back to Amsterdam during evening.
Kinderdijk (pronounced as kinder- dike) or “ child’s dike” was declared as a UNESCO World Heritage site during year 1997. Dated back to the 13th century when the Dutch villagers located at these lowlands having the windmills built to remove the excess water from the surrounding pastures and pump back into the nearby river. This small village located between the Lek and Noord Rivers.
A network of 19 windmills was designed and constructed for solving the flood issue. I was wondered if Malaysia would have windmills to be built to solve our floods problem as well. Hmm, wind over here is definitely not as strong as in Netherlands. Out of these 19 windmills, 8 of them are stone-brick (built in year 1738), another 8 thatched windmills from the Overwaard district built in 1740, 2 stone windmills from the Nieuw-Lekkerland polder built in 1760, and 1 distinct windmill from the Blokweer polder which constructed in year 1521.
Hello Dutch icon! Hello windmills!
Panaromic view with black and white filter.
The electrical pumps which are currently used.
The downpours had us stopped at the 10th windmills and rushed back to the bus.
Nevertheless, I had a photo with the big signboard of Kinderdijk showing the locations of 19 windmills.
Kinderdijk- A must-visit place when you came to Netherlands.The windmills may not as beautiful as those in Zaanse Schans but the scenic view of 19 working old-fashioned windmills which are built from 1722 to 1761 is definitely amazing. The next destination; Rotterdam which was about 45 minutes away from Kinderdijk.
Rains seemed to love being a part of our journey.
My photos in Netherlands had rains as main companion.