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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Europe Trip- Paris | The 'Iron Lady'- Eiffel Tower

18th November 2014

Bonjour Paris!
We kicked off the day with a simple breakfast in the hotel. There was limited choice of foods as only hot dogs, croissant, ham, cheese, scramble eggs and yogurt. I had chosen a glass of hot chocolate instead of coffee today.

The Superdad

Eiffel Tower

The most significant building in Paris; French known as  La Tour Eiffel or named as Eiffel Tower.
Just like Petronas Twin Tower in Malaysia, Eiffel Tower is the significant icon that shall be visited. This famous landmark of Paris had been conquered by us today.

We had admission to the 2nd level of Eiffel Tower.Some said that the steel architecture was not really so amazing as we thought of. However, I would say the architecture which was built in 1887 was really beautiful, providing an exceptional landmark for France itself. Let the pictures do the talking.

324 metres Eiffel Tower

Gigantic Eiffel Tower

The view from beneath.

Having our admission ticket to be collected.

With Ms. Yong's families

Dad was obsessed with the view of Paris city.

Seine River could be seen from Eiffel Tower

The capital of Fashion and romance- Paris

My most satisfied photo of the most prominent symbol of Paris; France- Eiffel Tower
There was a bunch of kids visiting Eiffel Tower.
A photo was captured when descended from the 2nd level of Eiffel Tower.

My sis insisted to have the bear following me throughout the Europe tour. 
So, let's have a photo of it then.

Bear from Malaysia with the Eiffel Tower

Dad posed at the street nearby Eiffel Tower

It shall not be the first time having photo taken in front of Eiffel Tower.
I would like to re-visit this place again! Perhaps with lover next time?!
Well, night scenery and Eiffel Tower scenery in summer season might be more amazing.